Old celeron (card CPU) need some project to do with it.

6 Jun 2005
Church Fenton
Well its an old celeron thats has the CPU on a card *shows its ages* think it has about 64MB of RAM. I think it has internal GPU. It has a 2GB hard drive. Uses serial mouse port and the old style keyboard input.

I neeed a project to do with it. Any ideas.
MAMA box?

Could use it as a file server need to get XP on it. It does use SDDR RAM so should be able to beef up the memory issues.

Would that also mean having XP pro on my main computer to control it?


BTW you sig is wrong....PI=3 :p
MAMA that looks cool but I dont have that much room, but maybe in the future I could do that.

Linux IF SOMEONE teaches me how to use it well....last time I used it I wasnt a happy chappy at the end of the day.
firewall would be good but its the fact of getting to to work 100% and I mean 100% because if it breaks and cuts the connection my parents would go through the roof because they wouldnt be able to fix it without me.

File server could be good, but its a fact of what do I put on it.
FWIW I've had two Linux firewalls in Ummm about 6 years, maybe even 8. First one eventually gave up the ghost ( hardware faults ) and also needed one re-install. Second ones still going. Bother where based on very old hardware. P75 initially and can't remember what the current one is. P200 probably.

Think that's as close to 100% reliable as you can expect :)
A machine like that should be bullet-proof reliable as a firewall. Just dig up a spare NIC and have at it. Should it fail, you can alwyas just bypass the dead machine.
Ok will try that what will I ask in the linux section of the forum so I get info on zacly *** im looking for.

I have some NICs handy. *** have to be silent though...*sighz* PSU mod I can see it now...also would be a new case that has sides to it...
Firewall wise I use a Linux distro which is specifically for Firewalling called Smoothwall. I've also used Slackware and set it up manually as a firewall.
Yes. One for incoming traffic, one for outgoing traffic. In my experience getting a PCI NIC to work with an integrated NIC is a hassle. If you dont have them already, asking nerdy friends will definitely net you the extra parts you need.
I have to go out an collect them back from my friends *cracks knuckles*

I have got a firewall working before with windows, it was more of a router for me and my friend playing games against each other online.

So ...software sorted, Need to collect the NICs, need a keyboard that uses the old interface, should be able to get the serial mouse for under £1 on another site. Just a matter of turning it on and going into BIOS to check things r working, then try boot the OS if it has one on it. But first need keyboard.
You might not even need a mouse for the interface. Something of that age will have PS/2 ports for input devices. Everybody's got a pile of that old stuff. It should be easy for you to borrow them for setup. It's quite likely that Smoothwall will have no problem with USB keyboard and mouse.
Ok ill look into it, I think I know a friend who might have one.

I did have one but seems it has been put in the trash when we did a clear out of the garage. Oh well.
Smoothwall doesn't use a mouse at all :) - being a firewall doesn't need a GUI. Maintenace, in the unlikely event you need to, is either command line, or from memory web page ( I havn't had to mess with mine so long I can't remember - lol ).
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