Old Computing Waste Recycling?

12 Dec 2006
I assume I'm not unusual in accumulating lots of old computing waste. Power leads, US cables, Ethernet cables, USB charges, small capacity hard drives, old PCs etc. Much of it new, just never got used.

I'm de-cluttering and wondering at what point do you give up trying to sell and/or give it away and just put it eWaste.
For common stuff like usb cables and power cables I tend to just dump them when I get more than a half dozen or so spares.

You could offer them on freecycle etc if you wanted, or potentially for things like the ethernet cables, drives and usb chargers see if there are any "maker" type clubs near you, one of your local schools might have something where they make stuff or even just be happy to get some spares to power projects etc.

Going back many years I used to hand off some of our older PC's to the likes of neighbours who had kids that didn't have a computer so they could use them for school etc, but that's going back a few years.
I've got anything reasonably recent organised into different boxes in a wall cupboard, after that dumped into a box in the loft which occasionally gets raided if someone needs something and periodically stuff which has become too old or obsolete ends up at the recycling centre.

I do raid the older stuff for bits for various projects outside of computing i.e. if I need a bit of cabling when making up prototype PCBs, etc.

One I do hate actually is the number of US plug power leads I've build up - at one point I was chopping the ends off of some to reuse which is a bit of a waste itself.
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