Old DOS game I'd like to mod

18 Apr 2013
I have an old DOS game I play every now and again called F1 manager professional. It was released in 1997 by Software 2000.
There's a couple of things I'd like to be able to change on the game to make it a slightly better experience.
1. When at a race you can see your car's going around the track (small track graphic) but no other teams cars. This makes sending cars out in qualifying without encountering traffic very difficult, I'd love to be able to see the other cars on the circuit graphic as well. Without going on board your car the whole lap there is no other way of knowing.
2. A blue flag system would be useful as leading cars quite often get stuck in traffic unrealistically.
3. Car setup feedback from the driver as there is no way to know if you are going the right way with setup sometimes as lap times can vary quite a lot.
4. The ability to design and build your own engine would be cool but that would just be a bit of fun not a game changer.
I have absolutely no idea if it's possible or where I'd even start as I've never done anything coding related. I can build a computer, that's one thing but using one is another
Modding a game generally requires:

-Full or partial source release and/or the game having an accessible scripting language with good feature interaction with the game engine.
-Understanding/reverse engineering any bespoke file formats or file packing system.
-If no source release extensive debugging of the code at run time or reverse engineering the executable so as to be able to inject modified code into the game.
-If the game is relatively modular completely replacing parts of it by reimplementing features from the ground up in relative DLL files, etc.
Yeah, I really know nothing. Lol.
I do actually have the original game disc.
I just hope really that someone out there likes the game and can implement these things. I love to know how to do it but sounds way beyond my knowledge.
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