Old EE plans

28 Dec 2003
I've been on an EE "Smart SIM 60GB" plan for several years which meets my needs perfectly. Good price, enough data and a useful included extra.

I also have a "loyalty discount" applied to my account which brings my final monthly down to a very good price, at least judging against the current plans.

Of course this plan doesn't exist any more and my basic question is whether the fact I'm still on it is "by design", i.e. you're allowed to remain on obsolete plans if you want, or because I've been "lost in the system" :)

I'm inclined to leave it alone as it fits my needs. The only issue is that I might want to add a watch data plan and/or temporarily at US roaming for a holiday but I'm too scared to in case it triggers something and I end up losing the current good deal I have.

I guess I could go into a store and explain I'm on an out-of-date but good deal and see what current options/deals they have to offer, whilst categorically refusing to identify myself or my number so they can't find my account :D
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Yeah I'm leaving it well alone for now.

I have EU roaming but, for my US trip, I'll get get an eSIM instead rather than risk adding hthe Roam Further and bringing the whole house of cards down :)
I was on a "classic" plan but last year got a message saying they were moving me to something new. It wasn't bad value for allowance/cost ratio but lost EU roaming in the process :(

I keep debating on moving away from EE but generally their coverage seems pretty bomb proof on the whole.

Whilst I agree their coverage seems to be the best overall, they have some really odd blackspots in specific places.
Has anyone on one of these "legacy" deals ever tried adding extras like US roaming to their package? My main fear is attempting to do so would cause the existing deal to be lost/forfeited.
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