Old flabby ex-gym rat returns to the iron

5 Feb 2009
As part of a raft of resolutions, I’ve been trying to get back into working out this year. I’d previously been a gym regular for most of my adult life, but had fallen into a very unhealthy rut since having kids. Sedentary life, fatty foods, beer... all took their toll and by the end of Christmas I looked and felt utterly dreadful.

Knocked all booze on the head on New Year’s Day, and started the 4:3 fasting diet. Cut a lot of fat surprisingly quickly, and after a few weeks suddenly thought, ‘hey, looks like I kept hold of at least a percentage of my old muscle mass under the covering flab.' So, I dusted off my weights and started a home workout routine.

I’d always used a gym before. Despite owning weights and a dip/pull-up bar I’d never done much working out at home, so I’m still finding my feet with what’s possible. As my strength comes back I may have to reconsider.

Started out on NYD at 13st 2lbs (@5’8”), dropped a lot of fat to 11st 7lbs, and have now bulked back up to around 12st (still a touch of fat around the kidneys and bottom of my waist to shift, but overall I don’t think I had this low a bf% even when I was a younger gym rat).

At the end of my most recent gym-going period, before kids took up all my spare time, I was veering between 14 and 15st, a little chubbier than I’d have liked, but also reasonably strong (for me). My old workout journal from 2008 shows me doing:

DB flat bench, 45kg, 3x8
Decline bench, 110kg, 3x8
Seated DB press, 30kg, 3x8
Dips, BW+20kg, 3x8

Barbell row, 77.5kg, 3x8
Lat pull-down, 95kg, 5x5
Seated cable row, 110kg, 3x8

Smith squat, 100kg, 5x5
Power shrugs, 125kg, 8 on working set
SLDL, 115kg, 8 on working set

So, nothing earth-shattering, but that’s the kind of strength I’d ideally like to be getting back to. Also will be trying not to let the bodyfat go above low/mid-teens like last time.

So, thinking my ideal weight would be around 13st 7lbs, with 10-12% bf - a gain of around 1.5st of lean mass (sometime between now and whenever). I’m not naturally a big or strong guy, and my old routine was very good for me strength-wise, so this will be a challenge!

This challenge will be exacerbated by the fact that whilst I seem to have lost most of my functional strength, I have been left with the legacy of my old injuries (blown left knee, torn left wrist ligaments, some kind of tear/impingement in my right shoulder, temperamental sacroiliac joint).

Also, there are no easily accessible gyms near my new house, so I’m trying to devise a home workout that will help me meet my short- to medium-term goals. I will hampered further by having to house the set-up in my (shared) study rather than a dedicated room (so looking at free weights, dip/pull-up bar, perhaps a foldaway bench, but not much else).

Will start posting my routines and would very much welcome critique/suggestions/comments.
Ok, let's get the current routine down.

Currently coming off the 4:3 fasting diet, but maintaining some element of it since it was so damn good for cutting fat without seeming to take much lean mass with it.

So, I'm on something like 2,500-3,000kcal on feast days and 1,000-1,500 on "fast" days. On "fast" days I'm also keeping carbs down and getting in mostly protein. I am almost 40 and spend most of my week sitting at a PC so my baseline calorie requirements are probably quite low, and I'm very keen not to let me bodyfat levels run away from my like they did last time I bulked.

Using the equipment I have I've gone for a two-day full-body split.

Workout A
Weighted dips
BB row
Bulgarian squats
Close-grip press-ups
DB hammer curls

Workout B
Floor press
DB squats
Romanian Deadlift
DB row
Behind head DB ext

Note no overheard press or from-floor deadlifts. I can't overhead press (or lat raise or anything similar) without aggravating my shoulder, and my sacroiliac joint doesn't like heavy deadlifts from the floor any more (a shame, I loved my deadlifts back in the day :( )

Will be investing in a bench soon to add DB flat/incline bench and possibly pullovers, and swap out some of the less satisfactory exercises currently in there.

Current injury statuses
Right shoulder
This is consistently and always a problem. I've just always lifted around it. I did manage to build up to pressing a decent enough weight overhead last time, but I aggravated the shoulder a couple of weeks ago and it needs to be rested from direct stress for a while.

Left knee
This one is currently really narking me off! I injured my knee in a mountain-climbing fall about 12 years ago and it's never been quite the same since - but it has been fine for years, goddammit!

Then all of a sudden, I was on my feet all day cooking and in the garden and it's gone again. Huge, nasty, sickening (though not painful) clicks from behind the kneecap, and some swelling behind the knee. General discomfort and pain if I stand for too long.

Bugger! I really didn't need this. If I have to drop squatting movements, my workout suddenly looks pretty damn sparse (well, more so).

Going to try to get a physio appointment for both of these soonish.

Congratulations on starting up again, and commiserations about the knee!

How is your knee/hip/ankle (and shoulder, spinal, etc.) mobility? As this may all play a big role in the noises your joints make. :)

Good luck, and looking forward to the results. :cool:
Cheers, mate. :)

Yes, flexibility is not great, but improving. I've been working at it quite a bit, especially shoulder (lots of stretches and theraband work), spine and hammies. I actually wonder if my knee problem might have been down to concentrating on stretching my tight hamstrings but less on my quads, leading to an imbalance in the knee in terms of muscle tightness. Anyway, I'm working on it, and hope it will improve.

Also costing up glucosamine, MSM, cissus supplements. My aging joints could probably do with it.

Anyway, this morning's workout:

Dips, BW+6.25kg: 8, 8, 8, 3 (+ 2 BW)
BB row (Pendlay style), 40kg: 9, 8, 7
Bulgarian squats: (skipped this today due to my knee injury)
Goodmornings, 20kg: 10, 10, 10
Shrugs, 15kg (concentrating on squeezing traps with this one rather than pure weight): 10, 10, 9
Close-grip press-ups (hands around hips, elbows in, concentrating on squeezing pecs throughout the movement. This feels a great pec exercise when I do this): 10, 8, 9
DB hammer curls, 15kg: 6, 6, 4, 3

Oh, and for completeness, two days ago it was:

Pull-ups: 8, 7, 4 ½ (some shoulder discomfort here, which was unexpected for this movement), 3
Floor press, 17.5kg: 8, 8, 6 (felt this in front delts rather than pecs, so was losing motivation. Maybe it's not the right movement/form)
DB squats, 22.5kg: 10, 10, 8
Romanian DL, 35kg: 10, 10, 10
DB row, 27.5kg: 8, 8, 6
Behind head DB ext, 15kg: 8, 10, 9

Long way to go back to anything like my previous weights, but I'm feeling so much better than I did a couple of months ago (niggling injuries aside).
My injury woes/general bodily niggles have been really getting me down over the past few days.

Not only my right shoulder and left knee, as noted above (both expected and long-standing problems), but also increasing pain in my right elbow, mid-back and latterly also some pain in my neck.

Feeling a complete wreck, but did manage to do a workout at lunchtime:

Pull-ups (hammer grip): 8, 8, (5) (p+1).
Felt like two easy sets, but somehow lost the last one. Not sure about hammer grip for pull-ups, but that's what my pull-up station offers. I just don't feel it in my back convincingly enough.

DB squats, 25kg: 2. 20kg: 5.
Basically, not happy with my form on these at all. Different from the bar squats I used to do, and I felt I just wasn't setting myself right. Knees were edging well past toes, dumbbells felt awkward, banging on my feet, dragging up my sides, even with just two 25kg ones.

So, I changed to Goblet squats, 20kg: 10. 25kg: 10, 10.
These felt much better, like they kind of force you into proper form. I think I need a period of settling into squatting again, and finding a way of doing them without a bar. These will do for now. Taking it nice and gentle with weight until I'm completely sure of my form.

Floor press, 20kg: 7, 6, 7.
Still trying to feel this in my pecs, adding a pec squeeze throughout, but still feeling it in my front delts, and slowing down due to lactic acid burn rather than weight. Keeping this movement in until I get a bench, but not completely happy with it.

RDL, 40kg: 10, 10, 10.
Very easy, very simple, but in no rush to ramp up the weight, especially now I have some back pain.

DB row, 30kg: 7, 6, 6

Weighted CG press-ups, BW+10kg: 4, BW+ 7.5kg: 2. BW+5kg, 6, BW, 2. BW+5kg, 6, BW, 1.
I like these. It feels a surprisingly difficult movement with hands placed right next to the body between ribs and hips, elbows tucked in, and putting a good squeeze on the pecs throughout. Nice.

Behind head single DB ext, 17.5kg: 10, 9, 7

All in all, just glad to have been able to work out with no pain. Actually felt better physically after than before, but pains in back, neck and knee reasserted themselves later in the day.

Got a docs appointment tomorrow morning to get a referral to physio (and perhaps chiropractor), and really hoping this lets me get back to more confident/heavier squatting and overhead work soon.
A chiropractor will (probably) treat the symptom and not the cause.

If you can find a decent sports physio near you, it is worth the additional cost. I'd give a local sports team a call (i.e. Not a youth club) and find out who they use and a decent sports-focused physio is a completely different animal to the NHS ones...

As a starter for ten...

- Don't bother with glucosamine... If you absolutely must pay for something, get it with chondrintin added. Even then, the evidence for it doing anything is very scant.
- Get your core working: this isn't ab work, but making sure you can hold decent neutral positions with your spine. Planks, rollouts, etc. this will minimise the stress on your lumbar, as well as the joints down there. Having suffered massively debilitating lumbar pain for years, lifting was recommended as the cure... Go figure. ;)
- Unless you have done something really bad to your shoulder, the chances are that it is perfectly recoverable with some serious, committed and painful rehab. Have a look here for an insight into what a physio will look at. :)
- Get mobilising. A lot. Roll your legs, get your back extension sorted... All these sorts of things are critically important to training without unnecessary pain. Check the Mobility thread by our local handsome dude who also lifts a lot.

And don't be put off. This stuff takes time as I am sure you recall!
Cheers, mate. Appreciate your taking the time to pop in with advice. :)

I'm going to look up glucosamine, chondoitin and cissus now. Always glad to be saved from buying snake oil, so thanks for the heads up.

Core and flexibility are two things I am trying to work on. In between my main workout days I also try to make sure to do DB standing calf raises, weighted crunches and planking. Stretching I am trying to do all the time, but I have to admit I don't really know how to stretch out everything that needs it. That mobility thread looks great reading. Lots of info there. Will have to start working my way through it. Cheers.

Shoulder... I really don't know. To be honest, I'm not even expecting it to be completely healed/normal ever again. But, so long as I can get to the stage I've been at before of being able to work around it in the gym, do sufficient overhead work, hold a bar on my shoulders without pain, etc, I'll be perfectly happy. I know pretty much what sets it off from this point and it's actually fairly easy to avoid (abduction and wide grip arm traverse adduction and flexion against resistance - so no more bloody pec flys or lateral raises!).

Anyway, doc assures me there's nothing structural wrong with my neck, likely just muscle pain. And I'm awaiting a letter about a physio appointment. My previous NHS physio was really good - also did work for Warwickshire CCC. That was a different surgery though. Have to wait and see.

And definitely hear you about taking it slow and steady. Whilst I am a bit frustrated about lifting so light now compared to my past experience, the nice thing about lifting at 40 as opposed to 20 (or even 30) is I'm finding I can lift with much less ego and better form. (Still alternate between thinking I look too fat or too skinny though - but know weights plus protein will sort that in good time :) )

Cheers :)
So, overdue update.

Been plodding along, with most exercises being stuck somewhere between being remedial for my injured joints and aiming at hypertrophy. A bit frustrating to be stuck in this limbo-like zone, but I'm used to the idea that I have to take things slow and steady.

Injuries have been relatively well behaved, actually. Back and neck have not played up at all in the past two weeks. Left knee seems intermittent and unpredictable, but I'm also not convinced any of my problems in this area are linked to training given the pattern of flare-ups. Right shoulder remains a PITA, to be honest...

Anyway, last couple of workouts went okay, barring the usual frustration of not being able to go all out as I would have done in times past:

Sun 23rd March
Dips, BW+12.5kg: 8, 8, 8
BB row (to chest), 47.5kg: 8, 7, 6, 5
DB Bulgarian squats, 15kg: 8, 8, 6
Goodmornings, 25kg: xxx (quit these since it was immediately obvious I wouldn't be able to hold the bar on my traps without quite bad pain in my shoulder)
DB Shrugs, 22.5kg: 10, 12, 12
DB hammer curls, 16kg: 8, 5, 5
DB Bent-over flys, 10kg: 10, 7, 6

Tue 25th March
Pull-ups, BW+2.5kg: 8, 8, 6 (only 2.5kg, which is nothing, but pleased to be back to weighted pull-ups)
DB OHP, 10kg (remedial): 8, 8, 8 (nice light weight and easy movement - no pain, yay!)
RDL, 50kg: 9, 8, 8 (decided to go for sets of 8 on these, since I think tiring my back through higher reps can lead to declining form, which I think is how I re-tweaked my SI joint a few weeks ago - thankfully with a cautiously light weight)
Goblet squats, 35kg: 10, 10, 9 (knee feels fine with these, but I'm still gong very slow with any weight increases and being cautious of pushing too far given my recent/current knee issues)
DB Floor press, 26kg: 7, 6, 6 (+1 neg) (still think this is a poor exercise, but will be in here until I get a decent foldaway bench)
Behind head single DB ext, 10kg: 6, 6, 5
Ok, an update since I could maybe do with some advice too.

Been sticking with my every other day whole body split. Last workouts as follows (weights exclude bar/DB and collars):

Mon 14th July
DB bench, 35kg: 10, 10, 7
DB OHP, 21kg: 10, 7, 5
DL, 90kg (50kg w/u): 6, 6, 6
BB hack squats, 55kg: 8, 8, 8
Incline DB row, 30kg: 8, 7, (8)
DB shrugs, 38.5kg: 12, 10, 10

Wed 16th July
Pull-ups (hammer grip), BW+7.5kg: 10, (10), 6 P+1 P+1. BW+2½
Inc DB press, 30kg: 8, 7, 6
RDL, 86kg (50kg w/u): 6, 7, 6
BB hack squats, 60kg: 8, 8, 8*
BBR (suppinated), 52.5kg: 8, 8, 8
Dips, BW+25kg: 10, 6, 5 P+1. BW+3

(*Usually would do Bulgrian squats here, but I'm just starting on hack squats and really like them, so I'm working up the weight on them slowly each session)

On the plus side, my injuries have pretty much cleared up. Back and kness are feeling strong and healthy. Still get some rubbing sensations in my right shoulder from the biceps tendon, but no pain for a good while now.

Weight has been rock steady at 12 stone, but I have dropped a good amount of fat over the past few months. Overall very pleased.

However, I have to say I'm starting to find these workouts extremely draining. Like, collapsing on the floor at the end for a good few minutes before I can think about moving draining. Been generally very tired despite getting good sleep.

Possible reasons I'm thinking are that I'm not getting enough carbs, since I'm carb cycling and keeping carbs generally low to cut more bodyfat; or that I'm maybe packing too much into each workout as the weights increase.

Does that look a reasonable split still? Don't feel I'd be getting enough stimulation each week for each bodypart if I moved to a push/pull or upper/lower split.
Probably the dumbbell shrugs. ;)

It depends on the workout intensity: if you are that tired, you are probably running low on something, be it water, electrolytes or carbs/energy (depending on how long your rest periods are).

The workouts don't look too bad to me, altjough depending on how conditioned you are, sticking squats in the same session as deadlifts is going to be miserable... depending of course on intensity...
Probably the dumbbell shrugs. ;)

It depends on the workout intensity: if you are that tired, you are probably running low on something, be it water, electrolytes or carbs/energy (depending on how long your rest periods are).

The workouts don't look too bad to me, altjough depending on how conditioned you are, sticking squats in the same session as deadlifts is going to be miserable... depending of course on intensity...

Yeah, squats intensity not too high at the moment since I've only just discovered hack squats so I'm only cautiously ramping up weight from a low start with it being a new movement (and also being all "why the hell wasn't I doing these all the time!"). Deadlift intensity isn't exactly maximal either, tbh, as I'm still being pretty cautious not to overtax my lower back. It may get a bit much I guess as time goes on.

I'm gonna hazard that this is down to low carbs then. I have been keeping carbs very low, and have it in mind from time to time to at least have a carb-up day, but never quite do it.

Cheers for the input. Think that's given me the nudge to experiment with a couple of high carb days to see impact on my workouts/exhaustion.
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