Old Game-Can't remember

28 Feb 2006
I remember playing this game for ages on a really old PC of mine. Basically it was car racing (micro machines style) but you could buy upgrades such as weapons etc. I remember a loan shark and you could buy sabotages to put on other peoples cars. It was single player and when you run it, it said you have to put the computer in MS-DOS mode.
Must have been about 8-10 years ago now
Does anybody know what this title was and if I can play it now?
Yep I know the one you mean hang on it is around here somewhere. :)

Edit: Death Rally. :)

You started out with a volkswagen beatle and you ramed some spikes on it, then you got a toyota pickup which given the nature of the game, should have flat out pwnt. Then you got a ford mondeo thing which was slightly better. Then after that you got a Lamborghini or somthing.
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Death rally, awesome game.

Rock 'n' Roll Racing on the SNES is possibly better, but I enjoyed them both. :)
daz said:
Death rally, awesome game.

Rock 'n' Roll Racing on the SNES is possibly better, but I enjoyed them both. :)
Used to have DR on cd but couldn't find it tonight :( Rock & Roll racing was me fav snes game! :) Shame there weren't more vehicles, but what a blast it was in multi!
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