old lady effectively nicks me money!!

10 Dec 2008
Went to cash machine, £30 please, took card but for some moronic reason didn't take money instead wandered away (!!).

Realised 40 yards down road. Machine hadn't 're-swallowed money' yet, I turn and run back. I see lady, about 55, see the money still in the machine tray thing, take it, and put it in her pocket.

me - 'Sorry that was my money I forgot to take it sorry about that'

'No it wasn't'

'Yes it was i just took it out and forgot to take it from the tray, it's £30 yea? I just forgot to take it ..'

'No it wasn't - you could be anyone - it's not your money - it could be anyone's'

'Ok .. er .. let me think .. well we both know it's not yours, so lets both go in to the bank which is RIGHT HERE and OPEN and hand it over to them, they'll can match it against the time the card was used to take it out and credit the right person the £30'

'No, I don't understand - listen, it's none of your business, leave me alone, (she figures out what I mean about handing the money in) I didn't find it in the tray anyway I just found it on the floor :( ' (she starts walking off with my £30 and her dog).

Your next action? Before you say 'police' -- really? £30 quid? the hassle?
I'd say it would be worth the hassle to report it to the police, I'm quite a petty man tbh. She's admitted it's not hers so she should hand it into the police as lost property anyway.
I know its not a lot on money but I would have attemped to hold her while calling the police. Its the principal that shes a liar and a thief rather than the loss of 30 quid.
Take the dog's lead out of her hand.

When she objects say "I'm taking the dog. I don't know it's yours! It could be anybody's!"

Refuse to give it back to her unless she gives you your money. Leaves you both at a stalemate. If she says she'll call the police, respond "Yes, lets."

She'd cave quick enough.
Grabbed the money from her, head butt and away.

In reality tried to keep her there, called her a thief and called the police.
Never a dull day when we have Jackanory / The Story Teller to fill us with tales of his daily exploits.

Precisely - you should be happy you are a very lucky crowd.

This actually happened to me about 7 months ago in fairness ..

If I was going to make up stuff it'd be better than this. It'd have been £250 quid. And she assaulted me with her walking stick. And the police turned up and took her side just because she was old. And there would have been a dragon involved somewhere along the way ..

And zombies. no story EVER can't be improved with zombies ..
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You should have just called the police. Did you really just let her walk away with the money?

Even if she “just found it on the floor” the money should be handed in which she clearly wasn't going to do.
You should have just called the police. Did you really just let her walk away with the money?

Yep :/

I think I'm the kind of guy that really really hates confrontation in real life ..

Seriously if I was in a pub and just ordered my pint and it was on the bar, and big ruffian bloke [edit - or 'small female student'!!] picks it up and downs it whilst laughing at me, I don't think I'd complain to anyone, the staff, the drink nicker, anyone .. I'd just walk out and not go to that pub again (!!)

Of course sitting at my comfy desk it's easy to type 'I'd nut the guy (or gal), kick him/her in the goolies then lean over the bar and pour myself 4 more pints whilst laughing at the barstaff' - but in real life cold reality - MUST - AVOID - CONFRONTATION ..
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