Old NAS use on Windows 10

25 Oct 2004
So I have an old Zyxel NSA320S which I bought maybe a decade ago, it's pretty much been sat gathering dust for the past 6 or so years.

After cleaning out, and checking everything is a.ok I plugged it in and fired it up and all seems to be functioning perfectly fine, with both HDDs reporting as healthy. This nas has 4TB of storage using WD Green HDDs, the issue is the NAS hasn't had a firmware update for years and Zyxel no longer support it. As the base OS for the NAS is linux based, could I possibly use a different software solution or firmware to keep it up to date and hopefully use SMB2 or is it basically old tech and belongs in the bin.
I know that a lot of people have just installed OpenWRT on these with some success. Might be your best option.

That NAS uses a Marvell CPU and so you will struggle to get something out of the box onto it. If you are Linux savvy enough you could probably install something like Arch onto it
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