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Old Nvidia Graphics Card upgrade advice

16 Oct 2019

I don’t have enough money to buy a new pc at the moment so I want to upgrade my graphics card so till will last a little longer. I have about £200 to spend, can you recommend what second hand card I buy?

Current specs:

Intel i7 930 @ 2.80GHz

24GB Ram

Asus gtx 680 directcu ii

I have seen Nvidia 980ti going for under £200 but I am not sure if that is a good buy for what I currently have. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
18 Feb 2015
Your PSU is missing. I'd also say wait a week or two, there's some new cards coming out that will be just in that price range: RX 5500. Right now a 1660 wouldn't be bad either. There's also a 1660 Super coming out and that might also be £200ish, but hard to say atm. Probably not, knowing Nvidia.

Used, I've seen some 1070s go for £200 or less (which is a newer slightly more powerful version of a 980ti). I would honestly not buy these older type of GPUs though, unless you got a really good price for them (eg £150). They all have weaker DX12 & Vulkan performance and the gap isn't large enough vs the newer cards that are slightly less powerful in DX11 etc In your case it's not going to be a big difference anyway because your CPU will hold you back, so that's why I'd look at something like the upcoming RX 5500. But we'll see.
16 Oct 2019
Yes, I am using the PC for gaming on a 1440p @ 60htz (no FreeSync or GSync) screen - mainly playing Doom and Gta 5 at the moment.

£200 is my upper limit I was looking at the 980ti as it is going for around £100-150 second hand.

Will the 980ti be bottlenecked by my cpu?

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