I've got an old PC which is still a reasonable spec and is an unused spare in case needed.
I'm tempted to use it purely for on line banking and purchases to replace a really old Laptop I use for this purpose which is painfully slow.
I could give more of my hard earned money to M$ but am considering installing Linux instead.
I've tried a Ubuntu Live DVD and although I've never used Linux before it seems relatively straightforward, not least for my purposes.
It should obviously run much faster when installed.
One reason for using Linux is the potential security compared with Windows.
There seems to be a firewall present and AVG offer a free version for Linux.
There are inevitably a lot of applications in Ubuntu that I wouldn't need but could live with.
Any advice on how appropriate and secure Linux would be for this purpose and other constructive comments appreciated or should I just bite the bullet and go the Windows route.
I'm tempted to use it purely for on line banking and purchases to replace a really old Laptop I use for this purpose which is painfully slow.
I could give more of my hard earned money to M$ but am considering installing Linux instead.
I've tried a Ubuntu Live DVD and although I've never used Linux before it seems relatively straightforward, not least for my purposes.
It should obviously run much faster when installed.
One reason for using Linux is the potential security compared with Windows.
There seems to be a firewall present and AVG offer a free version for Linux.
There are inevitably a lot of applications in Ubuntu that I wouldn't need but could live with.
Any advice on how appropriate and secure Linux would be for this purpose and other constructive comments appreciated or should I just bite the bullet and go the Windows route.
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