8 Aug 2006 at 21:03 #1 IceAx IceAx Soldato Joined 4 Aug 2003 Posts 5,852 Location Warrington Took this in 2003 well before her famous days. NOt a good pic as it was a 2.1 pixel Point and shoot but its not too bad Andy
Took this in 2003 well before her famous days. NOt a good pic as it was a 2.1 pixel Point and shoot but its not too bad Andy
8 Aug 2006 at 21:33 #5 IceAx IceAx Soldato OP Joined 4 Aug 2003 Posts 5,852 Location Warrington Yeah Marrying Preston from erm summat boys? I was looking through my old work car show photos and found it Andy
Yeah Marrying Preston from erm summat boys? I was looking through my old work car show photos and found it Andy
8 Aug 2006 at 21:56 #9 IceAx IceAx Soldato OP Joined 4 Aug 2003 Posts 5,852 Location Warrington Colin_da_Killer said: yuck she is disgusting !!! Looks like a nice car though can't quite make out what it is though... Click to expand... Its one of our demo cars Mits. FTO Andy
Colin_da_Killer said: yuck she is disgusting !!! Looks like a nice car though can't quite make out what it is though... Click to expand... Its one of our demo cars Mits. FTO Andy