Old school friends...

17 Aug 2005
How many people here still keep in touch with friends they went to school with? I had loads of great mates going through school and it dawned on me today that i dont see/speak to 99% of them! Kinda sucks in a way as school was probs best part of growing up for me!
theres a few i wanna meet up with just to see how they are as i had a great laugh in school loved it! And a family i kinda grew up with in my street id like to try and meet again two kids were quite young and there was a daughter my age. Just wanna see what every 1 is upto now adays tho really. No doubt some of em are in really good jobs and have a huge house or summink tho :(
every time i go clubbing i see this 1 kid there and i end up seeing him and he looks back at me as if we know each other. He reminds me of some 1 went to school with and i aint sure if its him rofl i dont wanna go and say something in case it aint. He was a good mate in school tho so may be worth a shot if i see him again.
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