Old school RPG's

21 May 2010
I enjoyed Baldurs Gate and Neverwinter Nights way back in the day. I've seen some modern reimaginings of this kind of genre, but I was wondering, what is the "best" game in this setting to sink my teeth into?

I have seen Divinity Original Sin 1&2 along with Pillars of Eternity 1&2, how do these compare with the classics?
I enjoyed Baldurs Gate and Neverwinter Nights way back in the day. I've seen some modern reimaginings of this kind of genre, but I was wondering, what is the "best" game in this setting to sink my teeth into?

I have seen Divinity Original Sin 1&2 along with Pillars of Eternity 1&2, how do these compare with the classics?

All four of those are very good (Divinity OS 2 is superb, my joint game of the year for 2017), both sequels (DOS2 and POE2) are even better than the originals, its not necessary to play the originals but both sequels do have callbacks to the originals so its worth playing them all anyway imo. Pillars is the most similar to the Baldurs Gate style, Divinity is similar yet slightly different in that the combat in the Divinity games is true turn based as opposed to the realtime/pause system that Pillars has. Divinity also has the option to play the entire game in co-op multiplayer. All 4 titles are brilliant and all 4 content dozens of hours of content, several hundred hours in total for all 4 combined.
Pillars is the closest of the modern games to the classic style that Baldur's Gate & Icewind Dale had and out of recent games pulls off that style the best.
Original Sin 2 is a slightly different style with the turn based combat but is by far one of the best roleplay games of this generation.

Tyranny is another good RPG that is in a similar style of game to Baldur's Gate, not quite up there with Pillars or Original Sin but still good.

Neverwinter Nights is a little different from Baldur's/Icewind's style, for a modern equivalent I would say the Dragon Age series would be the closest match to that one.

If you didn't play it back in the day along with Baldur's Gate and the like, Planescape: Torment would also be a good one to give a go... not so keen on the new Tides of Numenera one but the original is a must play for fans of that style of game.
Second what suenstar said. Pillers of Eternity and Divinity original sin are amazing games, with the former being somewhat more similar to Baldurs. Both games along with the sequels are well worth a play, good 300-400 hours of content between the 4 games. Both phenomenal series
Honestly? That doesn't help me choose which to purchase.
I'm tempted for DOS2 for the turn based, as I do quite like turn based...
I'm tempted for PoE2 for the closest to Baldurs Gate...

In regards to the Dragon Age Series, I've played the first and it was fantastic, however, the 2nd and subsequent 3rd games are nothing on Neverwinter Nights, more of an action RPG with story...
Divinity original sin 2 was one of my games of the year last year, not got POE2 yet but enjoyed my time with the first one and 2 has stepped up everything.
Honestly? That doesn't help me choose which to purchase.
I'm tempted for DOS2 for the turn based, as I do quite like turn based...
I'm tempted for PoE2 for the closest to Baldurs Gate...

In regards to the Dragon Age Series, I've played the first and it was fantastic, however, the 2nd and subsequent 3rd games are nothing on Neverwinter Nights, more of an action RPG with story...

For me Divinity slightly edges out Pillers of eternity. I would however say, start on Divinity 1 to be honest, Divinity 2 is polished up slightly more, but Divinity one is still amazing. Would just find playing 2 first then coming back to one later down the line may not be quiet as sweet as you become aware of the polish somewhat more IMO.
I've just purchased PoE on Steam thanks to the recommends in this thread! I did BG, BG2, Icewind Dale back in the day. I really enjoyed Titan Quest not so long ago. It must have flown under the radar as I didn't find that game til quite recently.

Just come off a Diablo III session. It's a bit hack and slash for me. Only on Act 2 as I pick it up then put it down again for months... Hopefully PoE has a bit more to it.
Just wondering, is there anything like PoE and D:OS but modern times? I.E, using guns, grenades etc? Quite fancy trying something like that also... NOT Xcom 2, but maybe similar?
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Hmm Wasteland 2?

Jagged Alliance 2, this is quite an old game now with dated graphics but it's one of my favourite games. There's a community mod that fixes few things and let's you adjust some settings.
Hmm Wasteland 2?

Jagged Alliance 2, this is quite an old game now with dated graphics but it's one of my favourite games. There's a community mod that fixes few things and let's you adjust some settings.

I played the latest Jagged Alliance a few years ago, was a great game! Thanks for reminding me of that!!

I've grabbed D:OS2 also and reinstalled Xcom2 to see if I can get into it this time...
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