Old shower replacement

1 Mar 2008
Deep North
I have an old broken 1980s Redring 7kw shower which is connected to it's own 30amp fuse in the fuse box.

Is it safe to replace this with a modern 8.5/9kw shower or does the cable need upgrading aswell?

I won't be doing the work myself, will get an electrician in.
Just checked the cable and it is 8mm (I think) either way it's been there 30 years.

The fuse is an old black fuse with 2 prong on with fuse wire in the middle between the prongs. So if the cable is suitable, could I not just get a 40amp rated fuse off the 'bay to swap over?
Cable should be easy to replace as it comes out the wall from where the fuse box is and goes along the outside wall and into the bathroom again so it should keep work to a minimum. Looks like the shower was installed after the house was rewired back in the 80s.

Might just look into getting a new consumer unit installed too is price is good enough. Don't have enough spare cash for a whole house rewire though.
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