Old SLR equipment ... what to do?

6 Nov 2005
My parents have just moved house and going through many drawers, have uncovered some old SLR cameras and lenses. I now have a ...
  • Canon AE-1 SLR body
  • Stock 50mm Canon lens
  • Canon 100-200 FD 1:5.6 lens
  • 2X auto tele plus for the AE-1
  • Two flash units
  • Leather camera case and metal transport briefcase
  • Olympus OM10 SLR body
  • Stock 50mm Olympus lens
  • Leather camera case
Everything above works fine, it's just been sat under a bed for the last [insert long time period] years.

So, do I keep this stuff or sell it (and if so, for how much)? I'm interested in going over to DSLR in the reasonably near future, so would this be a good learning point in the mean time? Also, would any of these lenses work with a new DLSR camera?

Many thanks :)
If the lenses are for the AE-1 then they won't work with any current Canon DSLR. The AE-1 is a very sexy camera that predates the Canon EOS EF system of lenses. I'll have them if you're just giving it away ;) The cameras will teach you the basics of Aperture control, shutter speed, ISO film and various other things. Judging from some other sellers, you're looking at £30. You might be able to squeeze a bit more from it but I doubt it.
Yesterday I was looking at shifting my old Praktica BC1 with Sigma 28mm + 70-210mm, 2xTele and various other bits. The camera works nicely, as do the lenses. I doubt I'd see much more than £20 for it all now :(
I tried to sell my old Praktica MTL3 with a dozen or so lenses. Would be perferct for a student on a budget or collector but the best offer I got was £15. Which is just stupid.

Decided to pack it all away and stick it in the loft.
cyKey said:
If they work, get some film and go shooting :)
Looks like that's the best idea then. It's a pity that the lenses aren't any good for a modern camera though - they're in good shape.

Thanks for your advice, guys!
If you go Canon DSLR, then I think you can get a FD to EOS convertor, though the lenses will end up manual of course. Though to be honest, it's not worth it wih those two EF lenses. The 50 FD lenses where pretty good, but with a new 50 1.8 EF being so cheap I would get an FD lens.

The Flash units will probably only fire manual too on EOS kit.

If it all works fine, I would use it until you get a DLSR, then box it...
Sparky191 said:
Its not worth it IMO for the all the developing you end up having to do. You could put that money towards a DSLR. Only worthwhile for a student IMO.

What? 1 roll of film for fun. I'm not saying to switch to it and shoot rooms worth, just go out and enjoy film.
I have a pentax K1000, with a 80-200 macro + tubes and I just got on permanent loan a Miranda Sensorex with 28, 50, 70-200, 350, 2x teleconverter + accessories all mint condition. My Plan is to get a film scanner from ebay and stick with film for a while. I was looking at DSLRS but I can't afford £500 just now to get setup.

It's the photographer not the equipment, so by the time I have practised with these I'm sure I'll be ready for a DSLR and by then I'm sure there will be some nice models going + lenses and stuff for these old SLRs is dirt cheap on ebay, why spend more? Film is cheap as hell on a certain internet shop.
cyKey said:
What? 1 roll of film for fun. I'm not saying to switch to it and shoot rooms worth, just go out and enjoy film.

Tried the other week shot off 36 very carefull at the zoo. But the counter kept going! The film came off the sprockets some how. :( I had fun, but no results!
Well I got a few rolls of film and a new battery for the Canon (which was very hard to find!) and am teaching myself to use it. It's good fun and hopefully, I'll have some decent shots at the end of it all. I'll post up some of them for C&C maybe :o.

Thanks guys :)
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Sparky191 said:
Its not worth it IMO for the all the developing you end up having to do. You could put that money towards a DSLR. Only worthwhile for a student IMO.

Most students I know use DSLR :p

Being a student with a DSLR, I'd love the equipment to shoot film but developing costs, inconvenience etc seemed to outweigh the price of a DSLR. When I'm able to develop/scan them myself I'll probably get a film setup also :)
Canon AE-1 was my first SLR bought with my first paycheque from my first job. I really gutted that I traded it in, such a beautiful camera to use.

Learn to use it. The skills you'll pick up will be instantly transferrable to a DSLR.
Don't understand comments about cost and convenience !!!
You can buy a roll of film for £1.15 Fuji ASA200/36exp from offshore online sellers, and the other week I took similar to a supermarket and had next day D+P for I think around £3. It actual was easier to do that then spend hours in front of a PC, downloading, sorting and Photoshop correcting each picture before I showed them to the family...saved me time, and left me to scan the couple a really liked and work on them to print out at A3.

You would have to shoot a good 100 rolls to get near the price of a DSLR.
Film helps you to take extra care, as you only have 36 chances of getting it right rather than shoot 100 shots of rubbish..... excellent way to learn..hope you enjoy.
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