Old SLRs and lenses

19 Jul 2011
I inherited a collection of photographic equipment which is currently sat in my loft. (Its all in cases and proper zip up bags).

Its all eighties 35mm kit I believe, at least a couple of pre-autofocus Minolta SLR bodies and a collection of lenses from all sorts of manufacturers - seem to remember them being tamron, leica etc..

I believe there is general 28-70 lenses, 70-210's, some big 500mm and a whopping 1500mm mirror lens. At least one closeup (macro?) lens, a fisheye lens, plus a variety of filters, adaptors, tripods, monopods etc.

I'll do a proper inventory, that lots just what was in my memory.

Whats the best way to dispose of this kit - ebay? take it to a dealer? or join a relevant forum and advertise on there? Just looking for the best way to dispose of it really. Alternatively if its going to be worth absolutely nothing, thats fine, I can charity shop it.

No nikon or canon kit in there mind you.
Surveyor said:
skyripper, if you want to know what they're worth you need to post in the Price Check section of the Members Market.

Coolio. Used the MM quite regularly but figured it was PC or audio/visual kit only in there. Thanks.
Thats cool, I was really after a 'where' rather than a 'how much'. I'll come back when I have some real information.

EDIT: Sorry, thats given it an inadvertant bump. Which is useless. Ignore.
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