Old SONY amplifier, need a remote!

27 Dec 2011
Hi guys,

Just a quick question, bit of an odd one.

We were given a Sony amp a few years ago from a family member and we've just set it up. It makes a great sound however there's no remote control with it, and it's not linked to the TV in such a way that makes it possible to lower the TV volume and lower the amp volume too.

The model is a Sony STR-DE135 and the remote control I need is a Sony RM-U204, and there's only one on eBay, they're asking for £40 and aren't budging on price.

Before I go that way and bite the bullet, do I have any other options? It's going from a double RCA (from the amp) to single 3.5mm (into the TV). Would it be worth getting an RCA to digital optical to fit into my TV? Would that give me a power over the volume from the TV remote?

Any other options?

Sorry, I know it's a bit specific, just wondered if anyone had any idea.

A one for all remote would be your best bet, the basic models are pretty cheap. Alternatively Sony remotes from other models may work, but finding out this information before buying could be difficult.
I program high-end home cinema remotes. As part of that, I'm used to dealing with the code strings that drive IR signals. It's called Hex and looks something like this: 0000 0068 0000 0010 0060 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 0018 0030 0018 0018 035D

From the commercial code libraries that I have access to, all the Sony STR-DE remotes share the same code base. What that means is that the major functions such as power toggle, volume +/-, mute etc are common to any STR-DE amplifier. For example, a remote for an STR-DE997 would work the STR-DE135 and vice-versa.

Looking on Ebay, and searching 'STRDE', you'll come across pattern remotes for under £12 for other STR-DE series Sony amps. They won't look as pretty as a genuine Sony remote, but if all you need is to turn the damned volume up or down then they'll do the job.

There are other remotes that will also work third party audio systems. For example, Sky HD remotes have a way that they can be programmed to control an audio system rather than the TV volume.

The thing to bear in mind with any universal remote where there's a booklet of code numbers is that the memory in these things has a limit. They can't store every single code, and so the manufactures choose the most popular codes at the time a new model or revision number is released. OneforAll and Philips are pretty good for having a range of universals with decent code support. The OneforAll web site has a code finder for its remotes range. You do have to start with the model number of the remote your finding the code for though, so remember to look at models of OneforAll first and then put in the 4-digit model number before entering the brand of device and its model number that you'd like to find the control codes.
Thanks for the replies all!

From the commercial code libraries that I have access to, all the Sony STR-DE remotes share the same code base. What that means is that the major functions such as power toggle, volume +/-, mute etc are common to any STR-DE amplifier. For example, a remote for an STR-DE997 would work the STR-DE135 and vice-versa.

Thanks for the write up mate - this is particularly handy and is duly appreciated. I'll probably end up picking the cheapest STR-DE remote I can find, then!
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