Old style praetorians - still in production?

27 Jul 2006
Hey all,
I was trying to find the old style CoolerMaster Praetorians, the ones that are a lot like the ATC 110's. I konw there is a new model of praetorian out, but does anyone know if they are still making the old ones, or if the old ones are readily available?
I dont want anyone to post any links or name any names obviously, as I dont want anyone to break the rules!
That's terrible! These cases are so simple yet so stylish, and yet theyre almost impossible to get - typical!
I might go for a lian li with a side panel window.. but eh.. I'm not really that fond of them from what I've seen. I need to pick a case within the hour though, because I'm ordering my conroe etc at 4 heh. *browses once more though OCuk's cases*
Stop the press!
Just stumbled upon the Silverstone cases, in particular the TJ04. If I got that and the side panel with a window, it would be exremely similar to the ATC cases! Hmmmmmmm, I might just do that.
I've got about £100 to spend on the case.
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