Old versions of PowerDVD updating to version 11 for free.

15 Jan 2006
I had an old PowerDVD 9 Ultra license that I uninstalled from my W7 desktop PC because it was no longer receiving Blu-ray compatibility updates. To upgrade to the latest version seems like daylight robbery compared to just buying a cheap blu-ray player. I managed to buy a cheap copy of PowerDVD 11 Ultra instead, which is still receiving updates.

As I have a USB DVD Drive for my w8.1 tablet and a portable projector, I decided to install my old version 9 license on that,. PDVD9 crashed on first launch in W8.1 but promted me to run an update. The update brought it up to version 10 and a second update upgraded it to version 11.

Version 11 supports the latest Blu-rays, including 3d (version 9 was 2d only) and it also supports Cyberlinks mobile and remote control apps for android and IOS so very much a worthwhile upgrade. I was never prompted to update version 9 under W7 so perhaps it's a W8.1 thing.

Version 10 being upgraded to version 11 for free is well documented (see here: http://www.cyberlink.com/support/powerdvd-ultra/patches_en_US.html) but having version 9 upgraded is a welcome surprise. If you have an old copy floating around, perhaps it's worth installing it.

I went through all the registration processes when installing this time. IIRC, I never registered the W7 PDVD9 installation, so perhaps that made the difference. Or maybe it was that PDVD9 isn't compatible with W8.1 so Cyberlink decided to give a free upgrade? Anyway - free upgrade so can't complain.
Hmmm I wonder if its worth trying to get hold of a cheap ver 9 on the web .. I hate powerdvd constant paying service .. and i'm not paying nearly £50 for it
Cheapest I've seen v14 ultra is about £34 delivered on the rainforest site for a retail boxed copy. I picked up a new copy of V11 ultra for under £15 recently.

Has anyone tried 'Easy DVD Player'? Their website claims to have blu ray and HD-DVD support (but no 3d) and it's not enormously expensive either. Gets tempting when you see HD-DVD drives with several movies thrown in changing hands on the bay for pennies at a time.
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Ive still got 2 hd-dvd players , one for my xbox 360 and the other a tosh standalone . Got about 20 films for it still. they don't get played to frequently , but seeing as I have a 5 disc version of blade runner its not going anywhere lol
Ive still got 2 hd-dvd players , one for my xbox 360 and the other a tosh standalone . Got about 20 films for it still. they don't get played to frequently , but seeing as I have a 5 disc version of blade runner its not going anywhere lol

What's the part number on the Xbox 360 and HDDVD drive PSUs? I recently won a spares or repairs bundle on ebay with a couple of 360s and the HD-DVD drive but AFAIK the PSUs aren't included.
What's the part number on the Xbox 360 and HDDVD drive PSUs? I recently won a spares or repairs bundle on ebay with a couple of 360s and the HD-DVD drive but AFAIK the PSUs aren't included.

The drive is X809802-003 ( says next to words ac adapter , is that it ? ) what number do I need to quote ? s/n ?

psu for 360 - X819575-003
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