older FPS games?

22 Aug 2003
Just finished Unreal2 today -absolutely loved it. Cracking game :D
Got about 90% through it when it first came out but I got sidetracked with other stuff. Now I'm looking for something else in the FPS genre.
Any suggestions? (needs to be able to run on my rather dated XP1600+/GF3 system until I can get my new system together).
Some good suggestions here people. Thanks :)

Clive Barkers Undying was a creepy game. The control system was a bit buggy though from what I remember. One of those games I wish had had just a wee bit polishing before it was released.
Kingpin :D now that was a brilliant game. 1st game I played on my old K6-2 500 (apart from UT which I was already hooked on lol). Must see if I can get a cheap copy from somewhere -swapped mine yonks ago for System Shock2. That was another classic but I never did quite manage to complete it & lost my saved games after a somewhat inebriated reformat. One of those games I keep thinking about reinstalling.
Built my current pc just so I could play RTCW & AvP2. lol £700+ for 2 games :p . Sick as a dog when the GeForce4 game out a few weeks later & could be had for half the price I'd blown on the GF3! Still, never mind such is life...RTCW & Halflife are 2 games I wish I'd never played so I could enjoy them afresh all over again.
Hexen2 & Heretic2 -what are they like? Sound like pretty spooky titles.

Chronicles of Riddick is something I heard mention of a while ago -is that a FPS game? Heard that was supposed to be pretty good but can't remember what else was said about it. Memory like a fish...
Robert said:
How did you get it to run well on that system :eek:.

It was a little bit choppy in parts when the action got hot -like that bit when you're trying to defend the shield wall from the pirates so I clocked my CPU to 1.53 (approx XP1800+ speed) which helped a fair bit and then I chucked in my 2GB of G.Skill 3200zx which I had set aside for a new system. Ran pretty flawlessly after that tbh @ 800x600 32bit colour :D

2k3 ran pretty good but 2k4 was a no no when I tried the demo.
Original UnrealTournament, lol don't mention that [still in rehab for that addiction!]

Swat3, saw that one or an earlier version maybe, about 5 years ago. Looked pretty cool back then. That's the one where you've got to try not to blast the civilians etc :D

Did SoF2 fairly recently. I prefered the graphics on the 1st one though -loved the bit in the subway toilets when you get to lob grenades into the occupied cubicles.

Someone was on about Thief3 here a while back -more of a sneak em up than a FPS I guess from the sounds of it but it sounds interesting anyway. Everyone who mentions that goes on about some bit in an asylum which sounds really atmospheric & creepy. I love that sort of screwed up Silent Hill type of twisted horror...
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