i've inherited a pc and it has a 1.8ghz p4 cpu in it. im gonna make the pc into a media machine to connect to the tv using windows xp and media portal. it runs ok with the 1.8ghz cpu but i was wondering how upgradeable these are? i've had the pc in bits and the socket says 478 and the processor says 1.8A GHZ/512/400/1.5V on it so im assuming its a 400mhz fsb with 512k of onboard cache... am i limited to just 400mhz fsb or can i go for a p4 with 533mhz fsb as these seem to go higher in the ghz range and they also appear to be a bit cheaper. im looking on the worlds most popular auction site, obviously i dont expect links, just want to know what spec i can go for. cheers.