Oldies in here! - SDRAM

19 Jan 2003
Bristol, UK
Hi Chaps,

I have ended up with an old P3 base unit which has just been given to me.

It isn't too slow but having only 64mb of Memory let's it down just a little.

I do have a 256mb stick of PC133 SDRam here.

However, when I put it in the P3 base unit I cannot get it to post. It beeps once though.

The only difference, is the 64mb stick is single sided and the 256mb stick double sided.

Could there be another reason for the problem?

Both sticks are unbranded and the Mobo is an MSI MS6183.

Any help appreciated,


williamw11 said:
Have you tried it on its own. Mobo may not like single and double sided memory together. Are you sure the memory works?

Yes and yes.

It only registers the 64mb stick with both of them in there. Regardless of which slots I put the mem in.
According to the Mobo manual it should work.

Max size per DIMM is 256Mb and Double Sided is supported.

Madness! :confused:
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