Oled or Qled 65 inch

30 Mar 2007
Ok going to be in the market for a new tv when we move , I’ve been given a budget of £2,000 max for a 65 inch .

I’m looking at either the LG OLED 65 CX or the Samsung QE65Q95t

Will be buying from JL .

So a few questions ,

Are the screen burn issues on the LG real or fables , I’m not going to be gaming.

If I go for the Samsung QE65 how much of a lesser TV is it ? Light and day , chalk and cheese ?

I’ve currently a Samsung UE55KS9000 that we’ve had for 5 years , will either of these sets be far superior or just a little better .
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The CX will provide a more dramatic difference compared to your old one just because they're two entirely different technologies. The KS9000 is still an excellent TV tho, so don't expect that you'll be gobsmacked by the improvement. For a really dramatic improvement you'd really have to go bigger, say 75". Size is going to make more of an impact (heh) than the quality differences imo. As luck would have it the Sony Bravia KD75XH9005 is £1,599.00 at JL. Then again, if I were in your shoes I'd wait for minileds, next year or the one after, simply because your TV is still very good.
Ok going to be in the market for a new tv when we move , I’ve been given a budget of £2,000 max for a 65 inch .

I’m looking at either the LG OLED 65 CX or the Samsung QE65Q95t

Will be buying from JL .

So a few questions ,

Are the screen burn issues on the LG real or fables , I’m not going to be gaming.

If I go for the Samsung QE65 how much of a lesser TV is it ? Light and day , chalk and cheese ?

I’ve currently a Samsung UE55KS9000 that we’ve had for 5 years , will either of these sets be far superior or just a little better .


All the information is on there
Oled for movies, no question.
I Ike my LG c9, decent front end. However rs not perfect,with black crush, and some flickering/postersarion on gradients. I believe Panasonic's are better in his aream
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