Olympus E-10 advice



10 Mar 2006
East Lancs
I'm off up to Scotland for a weeks caomping break in about 12 hours and the forecast for the weather is the usual overcast and probably wet. Not that I go for the weather, but for taking pictures it can be a pain for my poor camera!

The E-10 is pretty pants if the light isn't bright sunlight. Its impossible to use indoors as the flash just destoys photos.

Anyway, any tips for decent outdoor photography? I don't want to come home disappointed with my pictures. Last year was ok becasue the weather was great. I only went for a weekend though.

You can view most of my pictures here:
My DA Gallery

I want my pictures to be sharp and have that certain depth most images I see here have. Whats the best shooting mode to use in certain situations. Between landscape shots and shots of the dogs chasing birds on the beach. I can never find decent info on shooting moving things etc and I just play with the camera till I find a method I like, although it probably isn't the ideal.
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