Olympus e10 any good??

7 Jul 2006
Stoke on Trent
At work we have a minolta 7d, but boss wont let me bring it home, now that i have been bitten by the bug.

So was looking on the auction site that shall not be mentioned and came across the Olympus E10 which seems available around the 150 mark.

Are these any good, I am aware that the lens is a standard fixed thing, but you can get extensions etc.

Other options would be a canon 300d these seem to go at around 250ish

Dont really want to spend too much, cos im a tight arrse but im guessing the 300D would keep its value better if i decided to sell?
bolerus said:
Dont really want to spend too much, cos im a tight arrse but im guessing the 300D would keep its value better if i decided to sell?

Yes, it would. It would also make for a better camera in the long run. If you begin to really get into photography, you'll probably pine for something else with the Olympus. At least with the Canon you can upgrade bits of it one at a time as you progress. I'm pretty sure the SLR would be faster in operation also.


I managed to pick up my Nikon D100 for £250 buy it now. That was about £100 less than they usually go for, so if you keep searching regularly you can find some real bargains. I saw a Canon 10D in mint condition sell for £270 buy it now with the 18-55 kit lens about the time I was looking for a camera- I was rather annoyed that I missed it!
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I have an E-10, its one of the original mainstream digital SLR cameras, cost £1400 new.

I wouldn't go there now, you can get a much better Canon/Nikon for a little more, have a great Lens choice and have a lot newer technology. The E-10 is pretty difficult to use I feel.
thanks guys.

I had a long read of old posts on here last night, and found a post (on about page 10) from somebody who had the E-10 and they were saying its not good unless the light is spot on, so I think I will hold off and keep my eye out for a cheapish cannon or nikon.

my poor credit card is going to start biting me when i get my wallet out soon lol.
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