OMG : David Jefferies Killed - Moodie Injured

18 Oct 2002
Chillin' on the Boat
David Jefferies was a star rider at the Isle of Man TT races

Isle of Man TT star David Jefferies has been killed in an accident during a practice session for this year's races.

Fellow rider Jim Moodie was seriously injured in the same incident, which happened near the village of Crosby.

Jefferies, who was 30, was one of the most successful racers on the island's Mountain Course.

He had been entered in four races at this year's TT, riding for the TAS Suzuki team and was gunning for a fourth consecutive treble.

The TT is notoriously dangerous and riders are regularly killed as they test the limits of themselves and their bikes.

Story Here

:( My thoughts go out to all family an friends.
I'm shocked, the rumours are rife over here at the moment as to what actually hapenned but here is what my father (who is a scrutineer for the TT) heard fom one of his friends who is a marshal.

A car pulled onto the circuit (closed road) and DJ (David Jeffries) had to swerve to avoid it. He hit a telegraph pole which then fell into the road and the path of Jim Moodie.

Apparently a further 4 riders were involved.

The incident hapenned at a place called Crosby, this section is absoloutly flat out on all the classes of bikes and that includes the GSXR1000s which are capable in excess of 190mph on the TT course.

I plan to race the TT course in the Manx Grand Prix in August, the thought that something like this could happen has made me sick.

There is enough to contend with racing on a road circuit without having a car drive into the road.


RIP Dave Jeffries, you will be sadly missed. I hope the other riders involved recover OK.
Re: Very Sad

Originally posted by astraman
How dose the car driver stand , is he getting done ?
Should be done for manslaughter at least !!


you dont know the full story how can you say that.
The chances are, unfortunately if the driver was at fault they will get off scot free. I was hit and had my leg broken in 4 places by a woman who was more concerned at looking in her rear view mirror than concentrating on what side of the road she was on, and she got away free of points. My brother was almost killed by a policeman on the wrong side of the road, and recieved 4 points and a huge fine for his trouble, which we had to take to a civil court to get removed from his license and the judgement overturned.

There was also the case of the person from scotland over here that was killed by a lady driver who also got off scot free.

The law favours car drivers, simple as that
update on what happened from a marshal who was at the scene.

No car, dont know where that bit came from.

Apparently DJ hit oil which made his rear tyre step out and sent him into a concrete bus shelter and a telegraph pole.

Still doesnt make it any easier to take in. I was at the TT paddock last night and saw DJ talking on his mobile outside the suzuki teams tent. Literally 2 metres away from me.
Dear God no.

I spoke to DJ and his father just a few weeks ago about sponsorship. I am completely stunned.

All my heros are dying, and I don't like it.

DJ, you were one of the greatest riders I had the priveledge to watch. I will never forget my trip to the Isle of Man last year where you were simply incredible. You had a special talent. You will be missed.

I'd like to post a picture I took of DJ at Donington BSB last year taken at Redgate.

A man with true talent and skill now lost forever!!!!

He will be missed by many people in all walks of life and not just in motorsport.....

sympathy and respect!!

The TT is one of the most dangerous races in the world... also one of the best!!.
Ive only just heard the sad news about David Jefferies, my thoughts are with his family and friends. He will be surely missed:(

And to the other riders still racing i wish them good fortune and hope they all return safely.
Story is that Adam Norrie, DJ and Moodie were approaching the flat out left hander at Crosby. In front of them was a privateer bike who's engine went bang.

Adam Norrie managed to avoid the bike and the plumes of smoke now blanketing the circuit.

DJ and Moodie didn't...

Moodie sustained injuries from impact with the telegraph wires, which it appears may have saved his life.
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