OMG upgrade time again

10 Feb 2006
Nairn Scotland
Hi everyone, first time poster but long time viewer.
I'm sure you all know the feeling when you've been happy with what you have, but then the upgrade bug bites.

Last time it happened to me I bought an AMD ULTIMA full system from here,and now I'm getting sucked in again. I'm leaning towards one of the Crossfire set up's, but the reason I posted here is because it's a monitor that's causing me the most headaches.

I just can't decide what one. From reading days and days of posts I gather that a crossfire rig on a 19" screen would be overkill, but I'm really concerned about ghosting on a bigger screen as gaming is my thing.

I cant belive how big a step it is, I make up my mind easily about anything else, but no matter how good your machine is it all come's through your monitor and I want to get it right.

I've had the same 17" LG Flatron CRT for years and years and it's never let me down. Feel quite sad really(kinda like putting your granny in an old folks home).

Any opinions would be most welcome.
I also hear I've missed out on a good price on the dell which is typical, But I really wouldn't want to go above the price it is now.
Just something that would do a good system justice rather than an injustice through poor performance.
If I wasn't big on games I wouldn't care. Its tough.
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