on board sound gaming

20 Feb 2008
I will have an asus p5k premium mb and have 5.1\surround speakers.
I am considering just opting for on board for gaming and playing occassional music. Can you help me if you have 7.1 onboard with this mb and your opinion whether a sound card would make a big difference to fps in a game and general sound
if you have a decent setup and average speakers you are unlikely to notice much/any difference (imho), but if your a bit of an audiophile then there are plenty of threads dedicated to which are the best sound cards availible.

personally i just use an old audigy 2 which does the job for me through the t20's.
after trying to get an xfi extreme music to work in vista 64 took oout my windows install I have finally decided to stick with onboard.

My p5k delux has more than adequate sound to playback mp3s and playing through crysis/cod4 etc it all seems bang on to me.
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