On-board sound problem!

28 Jul 2003

Recently (about 5 days now) i've been having problems with the sound output of my PC.
My PC had RealtekAC 97 on-board sound. I know this isn't the best at all but it does me fine.
At night i always plug in my earphones to the earphone socket at the front of my PC to listen to music but recently the sound is coming out all messed up.
Some songs play back fine whilst others have parts of the song louder than others. Some songs even have what sounds like interference in them and others are really quite.

I dont know what's happening !
I've tried using different earphones and still the same problem occurs.

I use WMP 10 to play my music and i'm just hoping it's just a setting i've accidently played around with.
I dont have the money to fix PC issues.
My PC speakers (just crappy stereo ones) died last week (volume knob doesnt 'click' to switch on speakers so am using it as an excuse to upgrade to a 2.1 speaker system).

Anyone know why the sound is all messed up on my pc ?
I also thought it was a dodgy plug.
I plugged some earphones into the speaker socket at the back of the PC and still the same results :(

Thanks for replies so far.
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