on board sound

31 Mar 2006
I have just got a Abit IP35 it comes with 7.1-Ch HD audio codec HDMI audio header ready sound, would this be better than the creative Audigy SE sound card I have installed which did sound better than the on board sound of the DFI lanparty, and I will be looking to buy a new sound card around £50 any idea's?
I have a set of GigaWorks G550W speakers the sound is fantastic would a better sound card help?

probably the same in all honesty.

a better card would help immensely. they have better gaming support and better output quality. the asus xonar dx is exactly what you want:)
onboard sound usually uses cpu power which isnt a good thing but ive never been a fan of creative soundcards drivers. saying that the creative cards do sound pretty good for games
The best soundcards at the mo are ASUS Xonars.

I'd say the Onboard will be better sounding since it's true 24-bit. (the audigy 1 cards were some dodgy half-baked variant if i remember correctly)
I've tried both the onboard on a Abit IP35 Pro and the creative Audigy SE.

For me the Creative sounded better, BUT I am a mic user who uses mix a lot and thats how I got my conclusion.
If your not into what I do, then its prolly not worth getting the creative Audigy SE.
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