So I have got a returned issue on this PC. Since upgrading all components except PSU, Antec 900 case and 760GTX at Xmas - I have had murders with PC.
Sometimes wont find boot media, sometimes no power. sometimes it just works no issues....
Recently returned m/board/chip/RAM/WD Greed m,2 drive for checking - no issues found.
Put PC back together - fine for 1 hour.
Now wont start at all, but I have seen this issue before and is already a replacement EVGA 600W PSU.
However, already on a second boot drive and finding having to throw more money at replacement parts to resolve.
Should I buy a new PSU or swap the case out? What does it sound like the problem might be?
Have bought a PSU tester and previous issues did not appear to find anything? Have no PSU spares anymore to test as gave to friend as thought issues resolved.
Sometimes wont find boot media, sometimes no power. sometimes it just works no issues....
Recently returned m/board/chip/RAM/WD Greed m,2 drive for checking - no issues found.
Put PC back together - fine for 1 hour.
Now wont start at all, but I have seen this issue before and is already a replacement EVGA 600W PSU.
However, already on a second boot drive and finding having to throw more money at replacement parts to resolve.
Should I buy a new PSU or swap the case out? What does it sound like the problem might be?
Have bought a PSU tester and previous issues did not appear to find anything? Have no PSU spares anymore to test as gave to friend as thought issues resolved.