On the up

14 Nov 2004
The North
Hello to all in the posh cells on page 1.

EXOC tells me that I'll be in 80th place in 10 days with my current output. I don't think I'll be able to continue that quickly so I'd only like to issue a parp to 2bullish (2 days) and FatRakoon (4 days).

I thank you. :)
Dam it!

Everytime i manage to sneak onto the first page, someone comes along and bumps me off it again. Grrr...... ;)
New Page one member

100 deej 28529

Nice work and welcome to the top 100 - EOC brown and above (800ppd) members are most welcome :D

Everytime i manage to sneak onto the first page, someone comes along and bumps me off it again. Grrr......

Try harder slacker :p you've got a bit of a headstart but theirs a number of active members on your tail - any pc's you can borg?

I've got some really slow WUs at the mo.

It'll be a slow dump today of just under 400, but tomorrow I'm looking at 1700+. (It may go 700/1400)

Sorry Elston :p
Both rigs are currently on 600 pointers, one should be finished in the next 5 hours. The other one not due for another 2 days. :(
Production has been slow recently as the main rig currently has a cheap motherboard in it until the new one arrives. Rather tempremental and unstable at the mo.

Bah! Just noticed that 'OcUKWildweasel' will be passing shortly aswell. Grrr! :D
Doh! Just dumped the 600 pointer which should move me up two places next update, unless deej or weasel has something left to dump today.
You'll have caught up with me in 221 days... Dammit - I need more fire power, can't have people catching me up!!! :( :p

Though Growse is making short work of it all! :eek:
FF - I know your problem - I've a duel xeon here that I can't use either :(

Edit: lot's of movement at the bottom of page one today eh? :D keep up the good work people and kick off all the pesky grays
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A little stomp as I'm only just above Elston (11 pts), but we got rid of a slacker so are both on page 1 still.
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