Onboard V PCI?

7 Mar 2005
Im aware that this has been discussed in other threads but at the risk of shouts of "Use the search button" which I have Im going to post this question that relates to my own situation. So as ever any help is appreciated.

The dilemma is this: I play online games such as Battlefield 2. I use my mobo's onboard sound with a Medusa 5.1 headset. Only on rare occassions to I hook my speakers up so that is not an issue for me. I have read that onboard sound uses a fair size portion of CPU resource and that a seperate sound card will free this up.

I would rather not spend my money on an Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Music unless with my present I will notice a significant differance. As in a couple of months I want to upgrade graphics. The other option is a Creative Sound Blaster Audigy SE 7.1 or stick to my present onboard.

Thoughts please Thanks
I, myself think that creative are a pile of w***. I mean what kind of company brings out a 90 quid card and havent even thoruoghly tested with a majority of enthusiast mobos. ie. nF4 chipset. Theyre driver sotfware's awful as well, i'd stay well clear. Had to RMA X-Fi 2 times!!! Of course the problem is that creative have a monoply in the soundard market, so its either creative or on-board. Ive heard audigy 2 are generally recommended.

This might be quite nice if you can afford it: Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 Platinum eX - Retail (SC-014-CL)
Unless you've got an Nforce2 mobo with Soundstorm which is the best onboard solution there is, then you might as well upgrade to a PCI card, even a cheap Audigy2 will surpass the AC97 sound your mobo is throwing out.

Unless it's Soundstorm which uses hardly any cpu cycles (it was designed with that in mind) then you'll notice an improvement with a pci card, not much mind you. We are talking about a few frames here although it varies. Get yourself a cheap Audigy 2 and you'll be sorted - although I do agree, the drivers are total pants, its the reason why I only recently bought a creative card having used Soundstorm for so long.
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