onboard vs audigy 2 zs

16 May 2004
Near Chester
i have just got a new computer with a gigabyte 965P-DS3 motherboard, i am running vista 64bit and currently got a audigy 2 zs card installed, the drivers for that are rubbish! how does the onboard sound compare to the audigy? anybody with any experiance with the gigabytes onboard sound?
thankyou for any help....
Known issues:

* Applications from the original Sound Blaster Audigy CD will not work with this download.
* Users are advised to use Audio Console included in this download to change speaker configurations.
* This driver does not support the following:
o Decoding of Dolby® Digital and DTS™ signals
o DVD-Audio
o DirectSound®-based EAX games
o Gameports
o 6.1 speaker mode.
* SPDIF passthrough is supported on Vista 32-bit only
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