Once my contract ends will O2 unlock the phone?

17 Sep 2005
As title.

With every other phone the network will unlock it for you once the contract ends. Since you can buy unlocked iphones there shouldn't be a problem with O2 doing this should there?
No they won't. Yet another example of O2 being rubbish.

Yet another example of an ignorant Apple user/fanboy. :rolleyes:

All O2 contract phones comes pre-unlocked (bar iPhone). It's Apple who does not want it to be unlocked.

Do some research before you go shooting your mouth of in future. :rolleyes:
Absolute rubbish. Other networks happily unlock iPhones when people are done with their contract. It's O2 being awkward as usual :)

In some countries Apple even sell them unlocked!

It still doesn't excuse O2's terrible network with the worst 3G coverage I've ever experienced, rude and ignorant customer service and a constantly broken account section of the website.
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Absolute rubbish. Other networks happily unlock iPhones when people are done with their contract. It's O2 being awkward as usual :)

In some countries Apple even sell them unlocked!

Yet another one... :rolleyes:

They sell them unlocked in some countries not because Apple wants to, it's because they have to by law. :rolleyes:
Do some research. :rolleyes:

Also, what networks are you talking about that would unlock it after contract. Source? :rolleyes:
There's only one UK network providing the iPhone, and they are not obliged by law to unlock it at the end of a contract, so they instead go along with Apple's requests to leave it locked.
I reckon a suitably crafted statement involving Apple could make support_bae have a stroke.

Get your thinking caps on
There's only one UK network providing the iPhone, and they are not obliged by law to unlock it at the end of a contract, so they instead go along with Apple's requests to leave it locked.

Only one network for now. It'll be interesting to see what happens when other networks get them. For example, if a customer wanted to take a 3G from O2 to Orange, what would happen?

support_bae, please quit with the rolleyes. It seems you don't know when it is appropriate to use them, so I suggest you don't use them at all.
O2 have terrible customer service? Strange that they always seem to come top in the industry surveys for that, and have done every quarter for quite a few years now.

Maybe you're just a difficult customer? :)
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