One brake squeaking, and was *very* hot. What do?

7 Nov 2009
I drove my Peugeot 3008 to Oban the other day. 2/3 of the way there, there was a fair bit of squeaking coming from the car. I pulled over, did the manly thing of walking around the car and breathing in deeply and then got back into the car reassuring the two female passengers that all was well.

Squeak came back a few minutes later, I pulled over. Poured some water over each alloy/brake. Nothing happened to 3 but a lot of steam came off one brake. After the water trick, the squeaking didn't come back and it didn't come back for the rest of the trip and I've driven 200+ miles since. The females were very impressed that I had fixed the problem and I explained it was just a male skill that we just intrinsically know.

But, I have no idea what caused the squeak and if the water helped. Should I get it down to a garage for them to take a look or do you think it'll be OK? Car has done 25k miles, and it's a 2010 plate.
Don't have a trolley jack/axle stand so can't do it myself I don't think. Wouldn't want to just do it on the jack you use to change the wheel.

I suppose I'll have to shell out for a garage to have a look. At least it doesn't seem like it's anything *too* bad at the minute!
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