one for other guitarists...taylor

25 Oct 2006
Taylors are great acoustics but before buying you must definitely try one first as well as other acoustics in that price range.
Go to a well stocked shop and you'll know which one belongs to you after you've played them.
A good trick is to close your eyes and let the assistant choose the guitars while you play.
With that sort of cash, I'd play a selection then come back again the next weekend to play them again - then make the decision :D

Enjoy :D
Yep. Spending that much - get yourself to a shop and have a play.

If I was going to spend that much I'd be on the lookout for a vintage / 2nd hand Lowden though. That's just because my two favourite guitarists, Nick Harper and Jon Gomm both play Lowdens (well Gomm's got a Takamine sponsorship deal now so not for much longer). They made some of the best sounding jumbos I've ever heard. Lowden's split in two now - most of the engineers are at Avalon but George Lowden, the lead designer has started making guitars under his own name again (George's are closer to the original Lowdens but I'm not sure you'll want to head into his price range).

This video shows off the tone as well as anything with the sound quality on youtube can, I think (tuning pegs are Jon's own mod by the way)

Edit: Link to a live Nick Harper song with rather better sound quality -
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When I was buying my Fender Strat in 1979 I travelled all over the country.
I went to London, Manchester, Nottingham, Birmingham, Northwich, Derby etc and no Strat felt right in my hands.
I went to a shop in my local town Hanley and the first one I pulled off the wall fitted like a glove - typical.

If you find a guitar you like then don't make the mistake of saving a bit of money by sending off for it because that guitar could play completely different to the one in the shop.
Yeah - as guitars are made out of natural materials there's an unavoidable element of inconsistency. Even two apparently identical guitars made out of the same type of wood will be slightly different.
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