one from the other day

28 Nov 2002
the weather was so nice on saturday i cycled 28 miles to the coast , with full kit bag on my back

i took 100 or so shots and theres only a few that i`m happy with, i think this ones my fave, all are good practice though :)

had to cycle back with bad sunburn :(

all crits welcome , i already know the sky is darker on the right, i had a CP on and didnt notice the problem at the time

Nice Picture did you stitch it together? Or crop down a wide angle?

The 'squint' post things annoyed me so I hope you don't mind if I present an alternate version...

whitecrook said:
Nice Picture did you stitch it together? Or crop down a wide angle?

The 'squint' post things annoyed me so I hope you don't mind if I present an alternate version...

had to check the origional but i used the canon 10-22mm, @ 10mm - so the above i said about the CP isnt right, as i had the CP on my 17-40 doh! must just be the ultra wide causing the light on the left side

dont mind at all that you corrected it, i was going to but i kind of liked the squint :)
using photoshop

duplicated the layer, on the top layer I selected with rectangle marquee roughly round the squint thing

then Edit-Transform-skew , just straightened it by eye.

Flattened image and cloned in a tiny bit of sky and healing brush

(i think)

Also, to OP: Did you sharpen before publishing on here? There were ugly halos around the posts I removed just by cloning really close.

I originally cropped out the right most post but it upset the balance so I decided to straighten.
whitecrook said:
Also, to OP: Did you sharpen before publishing on here? There were ugly halos around the posts I removed just by cloning really close.

I originally cropped out the right most post but it upset the balance so I decided to straighten.

i only did a tiny sharpen just after resizing
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