One Night Ultimate OcUK Werewolf - Game 1

2 Jun 2007
Mornington Crescent
Breaking things up, here we are with a game of One Night Ultimate Werewolf. A lot more thinking is required in this game, information is available for most players from the beginning, this is a game of working out who is telling the truth. The rules:

We begin with the night phase. I will Trust all the players their roles and ask them to reply with their night actions (if relevant. Roles will be detailed below). Then a 24 hour period will begin where the players are free to share any information they may have learned, bluff or lie to figure out who the werewolves are. During this 24 hour period, players must Trust me the name of the player they vote to kill. This may be changed at any point in time up to the end of the 24 hour period. People may declare in this thread that they are voting for a certain player, but this may also be a lie.
At the end of the 24 hours, the votes are tallied and the player(s) with the most votes are killed.

There are 10 possible roles, one for each of the 7 players, and there are 3 that will be 'on the table'. Some roles may interact/swap with these, and it ensures there is not perfect information, there may even be no werewolf players in the game.

There is to be no discussing of the game outside of this thread. Werewolves may not discuss elsewhere, for example. Everything except for night actions and voting is in the open.


3x Villagers
No power at all. Good luck!

2x Werewolves
Werewolves know who each other are. If there is only one werewolf to start, that werewolf is allowed to look at one of the 'table' cards to see another role not in the game. If he selects the werewolf card, he may pick another.

1x Minion
The minion is on the werewolf team, and will win as long as the werewolves are alive. If the minion is killed by the vote, that is still a win for the werewolf team (and thus the minion). The minion knows who the werewolves are, but is unknown to the werewolves.

1x Seer
The seer may look at the role belonging to one player, or to two of the roles on the 'table'.

1x Robber
The Robber may swap roles with one other player. They look at the new role they become, the other player does not know their role has been taken. They do not perform any additional actions that the role may be able to take.

1x Troublemaker
The Troublemaker may swap the roles of two other players. They do not look at what either of the roles are. Obviously, the people being swapped do not realise they have been swapped.

1x Insomniac
The insomniac gets the chance to confirm their role after all the other night actions happen. They may still be the insomniac, or they may now be something else.


The village team wins as long as one of the werewolves is killed. In the case of a tie vote, all tied players are killed.
The werewolf team wins if they are still alive at the end of the game. The minion is on the Werewolf team, but if the Minion is killed, the werewolf team (and the minion) win, and the village team lose.
If both werewolves are on the 'table' then there are no werewolves in play. However, if the villagers kill a villager they still lose. The only way to avoid this is for each player to have no more than 1 vote. In this case, nobody dies.

I am currently sending out the night messages. If required, please reply with your night action, otherwise wait for the day phase to begin.

Night actions will happen in the following order:

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Sorry about the delay!

It is now day. You now have 22 1/2 hours to discuss and nominate your votes. Remember, the only votes that count are those that are Trusted/emailed to me. Otherwise, you are free to discuss anything you like in this thread, but please do not discuss anything privately with the other players.

Good luck!
Given the incredible slowposting, and general request of the people posting in here, I'll push the deadline back 24 hours, the game will now finish at 10pm tomorrow the 25th.

And here I was planning on running the next game with a day length of just 3 hours to condense it and make it a bit more frantic!
Well, it looks like Chriscubed's explanation backfired! He did so much work pointing out why he was now the werewolf, and the voters agreed!

Chriscubed > Egon
Shamikebab > Chriscubed
Egon > Chriscubed
Shorttricky > Chriscubed

As a result, Chriscubed has been killed. Except unwittingly, this was the perfect play.

The werewolf team wins:
Shorttricky & K1LLSW1TCH the werewolves, as well as Chriscubed the Minion.

The roles and night actions were as follows:
chriscubed > Villager
Shamikebab > Seer Looked at Card 1 & 2
Egon > Werewolf
Brabbinho > Minion
shorttricky > Robber Rob Egon
K1LLSW1TCH > Werewolf
Leprechaun > Troublemaker Swapped Brabbinho and Chriscubed
Space 1 > Villager
Space 2 > Villager
Space 3 > Insomniac

Chris was indeed telling the truth, believing himself to be the villager. Except Leprechaun turned him into the minion, placing him on the werewolf team and stealing victory.
Indeed. It was a little unfortunate how the game panned out with all the inactivity from some players, but I hope you guys got the gist of the game. It's certainly one where it can take a few games to get used to the intricacies involved with the different roles and the possible ways you can lie, both as a werewolf and as a villager.

Additionally, there's options available such as if Brabbinho believed that Pookie was telling the truth about being the troublemaker and that he was also telling the truth about who he had swapped, it would make him an unknown role, however he knows that chriscubed must be the minion, and as the former minion he knew who the werewolves were, so he could have straight up said who they are and what had happened.

Of course, this relies on him believing Pookie, and the rest of the players believing him, but it's a possibility.
Unfortunately I sent the emails out via trust and didn't save a copy, so I don't have the exact copy of the email I sent out, but I'm pretty certain that I included the names of the two werewolves in the email.

If not then the entire game has been a fiasco, and I will banish myself from these forums for a week!
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