One thing is holding me back from buying the Vive (edit: actually a few)

13 Mar 2004
Hi All,

I am sure almost everyone that has purchased VR has gone through the same dilemma that I have. Which VR headset to buy??

I am strongly leaning towards the Vive atm. This is mainly due to room scale, forward facing camera + the controllers. I know the Rift will have these at some stage in the near future but after a bit of research it isn't clear how well it will handle room scale and I hate the idea of a forward cam bolted on somewhere.

Even just writing that down has made me realize something, the room I will be using this in is pretty limited so the possible problems with Rift and larger room tracking will not really apply to me. Arghhhhh :)

But, and its a big but, I like space sims a lot and there is quite a lot of talk about poorer performance on the Rift, text not clear and so on. That is really putting me off. Whenever I have thought about VR I always imagine its application in scifi/futuristic games, so I really do not want to compromise on quality here.

Also, can someone tell me where the Rift is shipped from? I've went as far as the buy button on the Oculos site but its not clear if there will be any import duties/tax to be paid when it enters the country.

Sorry for the rambling post. I am hoping someone can help me make a decision.

Just received this on the official Oculus forum:


Hi. I ordered mine and then got an email later saying it would be delivered the next week (or something like that). Just before it arrived they took the money out, £499 and £30 delivery. It actually came from Ireland as I was worried about the import duties.
Also, because of this worry, I wasn't sure how much it would be and so I didn't order straight away as I was saving my money up so that it would hopefully be covered. because I waited, I missed out on getting Valkyrie free with it so I was annoyed about that.

As you say, they don't make it clear how much in total it will be, but I live in Manchester and it cost me the above amount. Hope this helps you to stop worrying.


So at least that clears up the pricing aspect of it.
I ended up finding a Rift for sale locally so went for that, quite a few games in his account that he gave to me too. If I dont get on with it I can sell it and not make any loss + it was a good bit cheaper than the Vive.

1st impressions are that this could be really something special in the future, its pretty special now but its let down a bit by the visuals imo. I can clearly see pixelation + ghosting, I am not too bothered by either as I knew what I was getting into when I bought it. I'm glad I went for the rift as when playing Elite I do not think I could have hacked the poorer performance that comes with the vive, on the rift it's just about bearable for me.

The launch games are pretty poor, Lucky's Tale is a great little game however I am long past cartoony graphics/gameplay. Eve Valkyrie is impressive but also lacks any real depth, its basically an arcade shooter, which is fine. Its pretty cool with the head tracking and so on and the potential for space sims is unreal (just not this gen I feel)

The rift is also pretty hard on my eyes, my eyes feel like they really need a good rest after even a short play session. I'm long overdue an eye test so maybe that isn't helping either.

Overall if you have £500 for the rift or £700 for the Vive I wouldn't recommend stumping up the cash for either at the minute. Everything is either a demo or feels like an extended demo, the games for now just have no longevity (apart from elite). Also if you are coming from a decent display you are going to see a big difference, you will see pixels very easily which is pretty annoying.

I think the next gen VR is where it will be at, once the resolution is upped and a few other things are sorted the possibilities are endless.
Well I decided to take it back, the guy I bought it from kindly said if there was any issues to give him a shout. I tried to give him a few quid for the trouble but he wouldn't take it, not too many about like that these days.

As for my time with the rift, I tried upping the supersampling, the difference when increased to 2.0 was immense however not practical with my GTX 980 as the fps was dropping to around 40 on games like elite/eve. Even at 1.5 it was pretty sore on my card and still dropped the fps too much.

So I am back leaning towards the Vive, the rift is excellent but elite just isn't a good enough game to keep me in a seat for hours at a time, same with eve, its good but i'd say an hour tops on that before it gets pretty boring. I know i'll maybe have the same graphical issues with the vive but at least i'll get the full VR experience.
I am probably going to hold fire and see what package Oculus offer with the full touch controls. The wait will also allow me to save up towards a graphics card update, probably a 1080 if funds allow.
I think that's the best idea. I have a 1070 coming so I can let you know if that improves the oculus rift is any better with it. I am coming from 290.

What processor are you using? Mine is only an i5 but its at a steady overclock at 4.4 GHz so I am hoping I can get away with that. In task manager it seemed to be doing ok. It will be a struggle to afford the card + rift when the time comes, a full upgrade is out of the question.
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