Onkyo TX-NR686 Amp "PC" port issue.

3 Jan 2006
Chadderton, Oldham
Probably a few months after I got the amp I couldn't use the PC port any longer, the screen was just constantly flashing, went few a load of HDMi cables and when I eventually tried a different port on the back the issue stopped.

Today the issue still persists, the PC port causes constant flashing, it's not much of an issue as the "Game" port and all others are still working and I haven't got enough appliances to fill them all, but I am concerned if I upgrade in the future it will be worthless.

I bought it in Dec 2019, is it something I just have to live with now? I ended up forgetting about it but it's something I recalled and thought it might impact resale value to the point if I have to upgrade at some point it's either for the scrap or give away. And kind of wondering if the other ports might go eventually.
I take it you've checked the signal spec against what the Onkyo can accept?

What other investigation have you done regarding the inputs issue; searched AV Forums- YouTube- Google- at all?
I've tried numerous different HDMi cables, eventually I just plugged the cable into the other ports, all the ports on the back are the same spec as far as I can tell. Every port works fine aside from the "PC" port that just flashes randomly, even sat at the desktop.
Yes, you already said all that in the OP.

But what investigations have you done to find out if this is a settings issue, or to see if other people with Onkyo amps have the same issue and whether they found a fix?
I've tried everything, making sure UHD Colour is enabled, tried disabling it, lowering resolution, not using HDR, making sure the configuration matches exactly that of the other ports and it still does it.

My TV is a LG BX OLED, previous TV was an NU7400 and the one previous to that an MU6400, all 3 TV's exhibit this flashing, but using any other port it doesn't do it.
can you attach another 'appliance' blu-ray/ps5/chromecast ... to the pc hdmi av input ....and, if that works you know it is probably the computer/3080 that has a problem.
I guess you're a bit stuffed then.

IIRC, at the time you were looking to buy a new receiver, a few of us warned you about Onkyo's past reliability problems. We also suggested you visit a RS store to demo and get the longer warranty, but you didn't want to do that either; you preferred to buy from Amazon due to something about the RS staff not being bothered when you'd been on a previous occasion.

Here you are now, about 14-15 months later, with a dead HDMI port and no warranty support.

Your contract is with the retailer rather than the manufacturer. So any recourse should be with the company that took your money. There are some additional rights under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 that provide extra support for consumers who bought gear with an inherent fault. However, you can't just demand repairs or replacements.

The onus is on you - the purchaser - to prove that the goods had some issue in the design and also to prove that, in your case, you haven't broken the gear in the course of connecting a PC to the input socket. This is why I suggested you go find out if there are other Onkyo owners in the same boat. I don't know if you've bothered to do anything about that though.

Alternatively you can just chalk this one up to experience and take the hit when you come to sell.

The amp wasn't a lot. AV receiver tech moves fast. Residual values aren't enormous. You've still got other working HDMI ports - for now at least. If you had to pay for a repair then I doubt you'd get the value of that back with the difference in selling price of good vs part-faulty. Even if you got the repair done free you might still face the costs for shipping and courier insurance. I'd leave it as is.
Well lesson learnt, I just don't like going in a shop and then they're not interested, made me feel more of an inconvenience I recall so I thought bugger them I'll go to Amazon.

Hopefully it'll last until HDMi 2.1 receivers become mainstream and maybe I'll get a couple of quid for this amp for a meals worth or something.
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