Online fishmonger.

7 Nov 2009
Can anyone recommend any online fishmongers? There isn't a single fish monger in my area.

Can anyone help? Appreciate that a fishmonger might not translate very well onto an online business but you never know.

On another note, anyone got any good langoustine recipes? My girlfriend wants to try them, and whilst I will be serving them simply (where you rip them apart), she's a bit squeamish so will want to 'jazz them up a bit'.
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Is there a fish stand there? I could go to the Queens Park one quite easily, but the whole point of this is for me to be able to get decent fish without putting my pants on.
The Fish Plaice just off Saltmarket would be where I would go if I wasn't lazy.
I see. I will probably check it out, I work at ASDA Toryglen so Queens Park isn't far to walk.

The hunt for an online one continues though!
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