Online Forms - Easy or Hard?

Easy to set up the form itself.

The next part is where the form goes. Usually you will send the info on to form2.php or .asp or whatever. Here, you code using php or asp or something, some code which saves the info to a database, or sends an email with the information to you. It's easy when you know what you're doing :)
My knowledge of HTML programming is limited. The website in question is incredibly simple, and made during Front Page. Realistically, do you think I'll be able to set something up that emails the data on to an address?

Are there any templates/guides on the internet?

Many thanks,
CGI Scripts
Frontpage extensions for your NT hosting package

That's the only information I could find on the host site control panel. My host is Easyspace.
If you have a Linux Easyspace server you have PHP, if you have a Windows Easyspace server you have ASP. Find out which you have, if you can.

To test for PHP, upload a file called PHP with this in it:




If it displays a load of boring information, you have PHP :)
I opened notepad, put this in:




and saved it as PHP

I then typed but nothing happens.

So I tried .html .htm and .php - the PHP one brought up exactly what was written, the html/htm ones were blank. They are all still on there so you can try them

Many thanks,

That means no php right? Assuming that was correct (looks fine to me).

Try another one with extension .asp

Something like

response.write("Hello World!")

I'd be prepared to give someone £10 via paypal* if they can help me do this :)

*As long as I can get this form up and running!
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Hi Tommy

Had a look at Eeasyspace tech support on this.

You should have installed, or have the option within your control panel to install in your CGI-Bin.

This then should allow you to use the following example code:

<FORM action=cgi-bin/ method=post>
<td align=right>From:</td>
<td><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="email" VALUE=""></td>

<td align=right>Subject:</td>
<td><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="subject" VALUE=""></td>

<TD align=right><type=hidden INPUT NAME="recipient" VALUE="YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS"></TD></tr>

<td align=right>&nbsp;</td>
<td><TEXTAREA COLS="40" ROWS="5" NAME="text" WRAP="virtual"></TEXTAREA></td>

<td colspan=2 align=right><INPUT TYPE="submit"><INPUT TYPE="reset"></td>

It's a horrible bit of code, that's Easyspaces support for you, and I had to change recepient to recipient, I assume it's a client side spelling mistake but you might have to check the

Easyspace should allow you to add your own script if theirs doesn't work, you can grab one that should help you from
I've searched their support for "Cgi-bin" and "" and nothing came up. I've had no luck using their control panel either. Is the cgi-bin supposed to be a folder in the domain directory?

So if I place the relevant email address/info in that code above it would send the data to that provided email address. I take it I then have to apply that code to a form?

Yeah you should have a folder called cg-bin in your folder list.

I'm not sure how Easyspace sets up their formmail, but you should be able to use the one I linked to in the folder.
This explains some things!

Thanks for contacting Support Services.

Unfortunately the domain is currently on our Basic Web Hosting package which
does not support CGI, PHP or ASP. To be able to run scripts on the domain, you
need to upgrade your hosting package, you can do so by contacting our sales
team via this telephone number: 0870 755 5088.

Should you have any further problems, please feel free to contact us.

Technical Support Engineer
Support Services

I'll get that sorted. Which script (CGI/PHP/ASP) is essential?
They want £60 extra a year. Although that option includes support for all the major scripts and many more unwanted features.

Is that too expensive or about right?

Ouch, that's pretty stiff on top of the £25 you have already paid. You don't want to be paying any more than half of that eg £40/annum tops. Less if you shop around. Maybe you should cut you losses and move now before you feel further locked in. Much, much better deals are out there with far greater functionality.

Just had a quick look at the company i use as an example.

Vidahost Starter Package

Another £5 a year over what you are paying for everything you need, they have a good rating on the ocukhostreview site, their support is excellent and let's just say that help is closer at hand than you might think if you need it. ;)
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Question about multiple email addresses.

Didn't bother starting a new thread for this, as this should still be on topic. My sendmail.php includes this statement:

  mail( "[email protected]", "Registration Form Results",
    $message, "From: $email" );

It works perfectly. However, if I want the script to send the results to multiple people, what do I need to add? I tried the basic "[email protected];[email protected]" and it failed.

Is this something that's server dependent, or is there generic code that should work all 'round? said:
bool mail ( string to, string subject, string message [, string additional_headers [, string additional_parameters]] )


Receiver, or receivers of the mail.

The formatting of this string must comply with RFC 2822. Some examples are:
[email protected]
[email protected], [email protected]
User <[email protected]>
User <[email protected]>, Another User <[email protected]>

use a comma, not a semi-colon.
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