Online Forum People and Their Peculiarities

20 May 2007
One of the most interesting "phenomena" that I always come across on many forums is internet people getting extremely ***** about threads going off on slight tangents for a bit/a couple of people discussing something kind of related but not truly "on topic".

I don't think this has ever once bothered me in the slightest, but for some people it really seems to rustle their jimmies. So much so they seem to be extremely upset by it and become desperate to bring the thread back "on topic". They won't add anything to the conversation or continue talking about anything that is within the naturally ill defined parameters of a thread on a public forum, but they will make it their absolute mission to moan about the tangent/"off topic" posts as soon as possible.

Maybe I'm the peculiar one for it not really bothering me that much, but it does seem to really incense some people.

On a scale of 1-1346, how much does it annoy you? Should the people who go a bit off topic be chastised and sent to the naughty step/never be allowed to even think about a thought that deviates from the thread title ever again, or do the moaners perhaps have some deeply seated phycological issue stemming from childhood trauma (i don't know what - probably something to do with control or something)?

*In before everyone starts talking about different things in this thread
20 May 2007
Ive been on 2 boating holidays on the broads. We always got as far as Great Yarmouth and then turned around because my dad got scared of going through a potential big scary area.
He crashed the boat into a sailing thing 1 year, did a real number on their boat completely crushed it... Nothing came of it...
lol I thought it was funny at the time. a family of clueless fat Essex idiots wrecking some guys nice cared for yacht.

We were into fishing so that was really the beauty of a boating holiday. Wherever you stopped for the evening, grab your rod double white maggot on a size 16 hook and off you go.
Plenty of eels sadly, i hate eels.
cruising along the yare at 3 or 4 knots enjoying the view.
My dog tried to jump to the shore once and fell in the water, my mum was really panicking, lol i thought it was really funny at the time.
I can never really remember eating dinner on the boat, my mum was, still is infect, a terrible cook, i guess she made something for us, no idea.

had tacos for dinner today whilst watching Rebel Moon part 1.... Thats a really **** film. I feel sad when people produce garbage like that.
I really hope that Amazon dont mess up the Warhammer 40k stuff. Maybe they should just do it in really good CGI? I mean its doable now...

Rebel Moon really wasnt that bad to be fair. Ive seen far worse.
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