online game where you work together

12 Feb 2006
looking for suggestions of games to look at which

1) can be played on a semi decent gaming laptop (forget the specs but it's 2 years old and was bought for £1300 when new)


2) can be played with someone else where you work together e.g. dayz.

i've played dayz a few years ago and have 2 copies of arma2, plus one copy of stand alone so may try that if people feel it's still worth giving it and go and it's improved in the last 2 years.

suggestions please...

edit: so it seems dayz is dead so wont be tying that idea. £20 down the drain i only ever loaded it up once
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i must be getting old or my standards are too high but none of them really take my fancy other than h1z1. does it have a decent community? how does it compare to dayz

thanks for the big list.
i should have been clearer when i said decent community. i meant decent size community/player base, so that when i play coop with my friend on their desktop there will be good choice of different sized servers etc

thinking about it, what i'm ideally looking for is an open world game with things to do with a friend. other players is fine, but if we can at least play together achieving something. i prefer behind the character 3rd person or 1st, rather than above the character 3rd you see with games like diablo.

something like skyrim 2 player would be perfect. TOR i've played before with my brother but found it to be too much of a grind.
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we play minecaft on the xbox one (actually the only game i really play in it), but have had to stop as they've messed up our save games file so until they get it back to us we're taking a break.

ARK would struggle on the laptop. not that it's a bad laptop, think 8gm ram with 2ghz cpu, but i know it'll not work. plus from what i played or ark i only found it ok. nothing that interesting. i guess i liked how with dayz you could just run into the woods and hide, sneak etc. ark i found if i left my immediate area straight up i'd be dead within seconds.
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i've heard of eve online but never given it much research. sell it to me. from the tiny amount i've seen it seems like a fancy looking excel game, but it's from what i can see a popular long running game so much be good.
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