online gaming on 512k broadband?

15 Feb 2006
hi all, i have never really done a lot of omline gaming apart from halo back in the day!

the thing i want to know is basically, with all these new high powered games, would i be able to play reasonably on my crappy 512 dsl? or will i just get fragged all the time by people that i cannot see? :(

what shooters do you all play as well? :)
i dont really no much about ping or how to check what mine is, could you tell me how to ping my connection?? if that is what you say!

i mainly wanna play doom, and farcry, and halo 3 if and when! :rolleyes:
10 meg :eek: im limited through my crappy line... :mad:
cool, what about hosting games?? wont be able to do that i spose! i am on crappy aol. i had major problems with them over charging me for ages, i would have changed but they are giving me 6 months free :D !
how do i check my ping though? what prog? sorry for the noob question!
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