Online Survival/PVP game.

7 Jan 2009
hey guys,

Bored atm,Need a new game...can anyone suggest anything?

Im only really interested in one genre right now,Survival (with zombies/mutants) and even more important PVP!

What i have tried -

  • Infestation - Loved this game,retired now though due to infested with cheaters.
  • Shattered Skies - Dont like it at all,boring.
  • Survival Post apocalypse Now - has been abandoned by devs. (cashgrab)
  • Lifeless (early access)is a good game but not playable (needs optimization)
  • Nether - tons of cheaters from what i hear.
    DayZ Standalone - loot is terrible,never come across anyone and zombies are the worst i have ever seen..shocking bad game imo.
    H1Z1 - Not a bad game,But i dont like that you can only play PVE OR PVP..why not both! at the same time without the green smoke crap. :(

So yeah,if anyone can suggest anything not on this list,Would appreciate it. :)
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