Online WW2 shooter

18 Oct 2002
Any good ones due out soon, really used to like playing MOH and COD (originals) and feel like trying something similar again although preferably with snipers not quite as effective as they were in COD. A bit of DM / TDM would be good as well as objective based levels. Is DoD any good?
For DM WW2 I don't think you can beat DoD:S as it's more deathmatch than DoD in my opinion. For realism I prefer Red Orchestra, although snipers are very effective (unless you're in a tank ;) ).
I might try downloading DoD tonight then. ET/QW looks quite interesting too although i know it's not WW2 based.
wordy said:
There's a MMO WWII shooter call world War Two Online aswell, Not played it tho

If youre looking for a dod/moh type shooter wwiiol will be no good for you. THe first person game is poor in comparison, the strengths to that game lie in cooperation and combined arms rather than graphical prettiness and gritty realism. The fact you can play wwiiol on a 56k modem speaks volumes about how the first person shooter aspect plays.

On the other hand, if youre looking for a more adult orientated game, where you can be the sniper trying to work into a position to get a kill, the guy in the Tiger supporting an assault on a town or the guy in the Spit trying to stop the stuka's... well then wwiiol is the only game.

But if you expect MOH on a grand scale, stay away, you will be disappointed.
WWS|Griff said: that does sound interesting. I mean really, really! Ability to see various areas of the battle, not just one part? So it will be like experiencing the same battle from different angles and making the gameplay different each time.

Definately will keepy my eye on this :))
Single page? You didn't look at the forums then?

It's actually fairly advanced but they're remaining coy on release dates. Tucked away in the forums are quite a number of ingame screenshots though that look excellent.
WWS|Griff said:
Single page? You didn't look at the forums then?

It's actually fairly advanced but they're remaining coy on release dates. Tucked away in the forums are quite a number of ingame screenshots though that look excellent.

Oh I see, didn't realise the forums would have much dev input, thought it would just be a lot of people speculating

Can't find any screenshots though, any links?
BigRoger said:
original dod is a great game more about teamwork and skill dods is more spray and prey and more quicker paced.

pfft original dod was great 3 years ago. Dead as a doornail now buy dod:s.
Really liking DoD:S, am pretty much a rifleman all the time. One thing that is really annoying me is the size of the mini map, the objective things up top, the weap / ammo / life in bottom left and the displays of who just shot who etc. They could all do with being 50% of the size they are now, any way to reduce them? Especially annoying when n00bwhithbiggun0wnsjoo!!!!!! just shoots someone with an equally annoying name length.

Also, how come ASE doesn't see any servers for it and is anyone else unable to alt-tab back into it after alt-tabbing out? I always have to end the task if i do.
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