Only getting 15fps in Episode 1 :S

16 Dec 2005
Hey guys,
I have recently got HL2 Ep 1 working, but for some reason, I'm only getting 15fps :confused: On HL2 vanilla, I usually get about 40-60fps, why am I getting so low now? I am playing at 1280*1024 FPS, HDR, 4 AA, 8AF, everything high. I'm sure my GPU can pull off more than this :confused:
Thank you
Well, the source engine is a very easy engine to run at high settings, and my grpahics card is in no way nto capable of running it. It should be running at around 30 fps with HDR :confused:
Well, I've got a faster system than you, and I don't run such high settings.

You need to realise that HL2:EP1 is slower than HL2, for a start there was no HDR in HL2.
I had everything maxxed, there were however times that the frames dropped. This is not consistant with Half Life 2 as I have been playing this along with Episode 1 and it has been flawless. Half Life 2 frames have been perfect throughout!!!

Dunno why that could be!!!
UPDATE : Guys, it was the HDR :D I turned off HDR and Boom 60fps again (vsyncs on) but I'm surprised why HDR is such a big hit. Anyway, I lowered my rez to 1024*768 and my AA to 2 and its been fine at around 30fps with HDR on :) I really thank everyone on this thread who helped me solve the problem
Thanks guys!!!
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