Oops, I used up my battery :o

25 Dec 2008
Plugged my Note 2 into the wall to charge last night, left Wifi tether on (it's only 2-8x faster than home broadband, depending on local traffic) and accidentally left the screen on too (don't ask).

Anyway, woke up this morning and about 5mins in heard my phone turn off and thought 'thats odd', turn it back on and it's on 0% :eek:

I thought my wall charger was sufficiently powerful (normally provides around 1.5A I think) to avoid these situations but apparently not, anyone else epic failed as much? :p
That app looks pretty handy - just downloaded it - does it need calibrating or can I just let it do its thing?
It doesn't seem to provide a charge/drain figure like your screenshots are showing though. Just reads 0. I've set it at 60s intervals for the time being (will reduce this once I've got it set up and working)
Alright, I've got some mA figures and tbh I think they suffer from not being calibrated to my device. However - drain on the battery while charging with wifi hotspot moving plenty of data, and screen on, is reported at around -50mA, and with the screen off, around 50mA. With Wifi hotspot off for a short time, it peaked at around 350mA charging.
My previous experience e.g. in the car has been that charging from a regular 500mA USB will hold charge steady/slowly charge the phone with the screen off, and merely delay a discharge with the screen on; with a 1A charger I can be running GPS, playing music, etc etc w/ screen on and it will continue to charge. I know Wifi Hotspot is a power sucker but I might try a different charger just in case there's something funny going on.
Ta. The battery capacity was listed as 1500 in the app, I changed it to 3100. I've always been a little sceptical that the charger actually delivers 2A (found data buried somewhere in the phone that implied it was more like 1493 some time ago IIRC) but you never know, that figure might have been made up by the phone somewhere. The charger makes enough racket anyway!
Alright, here's some screenshots:


Not the most variety of data unfortunately, I'll have to re-run things with Wifi hotspot off at some point. With the screen on and hotspot on, not charging, it looks like it could be draining around 1A. That was on min brightnes IIRC. Looks like the screen uses up 2-300mA depending on brightness, I presume.
Hotspot does destroy battery life..

Also looks like it does slow down towards higher %ages, hard to be sure how much by at present due to my indiscriminate screen usage :p
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I'll work on the hotspotting w/o charging fairly soon, and hopefully a big charge also.

Here's a couple more screenshots. This time showing off charge and off hotspotting but streaming music for a couple of hours with the screen on for 15-25% of the time (in bursts of 15-20s every couple of minutes - sorry, awkward I know!), and then off charge, off hotspotting and not doing anything really with it, where it looks like it's still equalising the power drain (didn't even drop 1% in that 40mins before I got round to plugging it back in; due to the way the program works it can't really give any useful info from that).
Here we are, some off-charge hotspot data at min screen brightness and then max brightness.

So it can pull up to 1.5A according to that.
My own personal calculations work it out to around 1116mA/hr though, based on 3100mAh battery and 3% drain over 5 mins.
The other thing (for those screen on battery drainage) is that I have a live background - the windmills one, which aside from displaying windmills also changes depending on the time and on the weather.

Here we have some charging currents. It's worth pointing out that although Wifi Hotspot was off, I have quite a few profiles set via Tasker, some of which only come into play while charging. Also Titanium Backup ran a backup last night.. I'll repeat the test with Tasker off tonight.

Also some from this morning, off charge with screen off. Clearly a very low drain initially, then I use it a bit and it doesn't really have time to properly calculate it again after that. Doesn't look like there's any battery-sapping apps though.

I'll post back with some further charge results with Tasker/TiBackup not running!
Alright, disabled Tasker. The results are not that encouraging. There shouldn't be anything else starting up when I plug it in to charge, unless my ROM is automatically doing things with e.g. CPU speeds, which it shouldn't be since (IIRC) it's a stock ROM.

Will try it with my old HTC charger and see if that changes anything!
I suppose only other thing is I have Bluetooth on (not connected) but that shouldn't affect it - or it would be affecting the drain times off battery also.
Looks like the old charger I had is less good. To be fair, I think it's only 1A. It was easily draining with the screen on, and barely charging with the screen off (and Wifi Hotspot on).

My next plan is to borrow my housemate's S4 charger and see what happens with that!
Well with the 2A charger it's drawing at least around 2-300mA more than the 1A charger. Not as much more as you would expect, but a definite increase nonetheless. Would be nice if it supplied a bit more but it's not the end of the world :)

I'll post in the Note 2 thread.
Thing is my S3 and my Mrs Note 1 draw upto ~1300mA with a 2A charger even though they ship with 1A chargers.

I'd have expected more from the Note 2 that's all.

Yeah. We shall see what others are like - could just be the chargers are overspecified for the phones' capabilities.
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